Weekly Math Magic Freebie!

Ahh...Hello Spring Break! This is not such a bad view to wake up to. Am I right? One of the advantages of living in Florida is that you can hop in the car and drive to some great little getaway spots in  just a couple of hours. Today's lovely view comes to you from Sanibel. Enjoy your moment of zen:
Speaking of zen, how is that NOT a word in Words with Friends?
That ruins my zen every time I have a Z.

Before I head down to the pool, I have something to share. Almost as soon as I started to post my Weekly Word Wizard activities on TpT, people were asking if I had a math version. I have no idea why, but I was having the hardest time making one! I guess inspiration and clarity were brought on by the sea air and I finally found my groove.

I present to you <insert drumroll, please> Weekly Math Magic! Ta-Da!!
A few important notes. This is the one and only page I have done so far. I will be working on a full year's worth in 9-week sets, just like Weekly Word Wizard. However, unlike WWW, I will have to make these starting a bit easier and then get progressively more involved as the year goes on.

Now that I have a format that I like and I've figured out how and what skills to include, I think I'm ready for you to test drive it! Before I create any more, I would love for you to download this one {HERE} and let me know what you think. Feel free to use it with your class too. I'm thinking this level would be good for around this time of year and would most likely be included in the third nine-weeks set. It does cover almost every CCSS for second grade as well as many from first and third.

If you download it and look it over or use it with your class, come on back and leave me a comment with suggestions or ideas to add or change. I'll pick the top three most helpful comments to receive the first set free when it's ready to go.

Thanks for the help! Now, where's that sunscreen...



  1. Love this. This will be great for my third graders who are struggling with math.

  2. This is great!!! Thanks so much for the great freebie! Enjoy your awesome get away! Looks like a great time!!!



  3. I love this!!!! It is very comprehensive and easy on the eyes! The only suggestions I have are
    #1: digit instead of number
    #7/8: numeral instead of number

    Just a suggestion. I know our kiddos hear those terms on the IOWA test.

    Thanks for sharing this. I'm looking forward to the sets!! :)

    Live Laugh and Love to Learn

    1. Hi Lisa!
      Yes, definitely digit - I changed that already if you want to download the new version.
      Maybe I'll interchange number and numeral so they're used to seeing it both ways? It's so hard to make something universal when every state seems to have their own little tweaks (even w/ccss)
      Thanks for taking the time to leave feedback :)

  4. Oh, Denise! What I wouldn't give to be right there next to you today...soaking up the sun! I'm so glad you made a WMM. I can't wait to try it out next week when we return to school! Thanks. :)

    Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives

    1. It's pretty awesome here, not gonna lie! ha!
      Today is our last day though. I wanted to have a few days at home before having to rush back to work :(

  5. Love them!! I know my 2nd graders will enjoy them, too! (We are also on Spring Break!!) These look PERFECT! I can't think of anything to change or add! My class already enjoys the weekly word wizard ones; so I know they will love these! Thanks for letting me try them out & thanks for an opportunity to win a set!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You need to fix problem number 1. You have the five (fifty) underlined; however, your choices are six, sixty, and six hundred. Otherwise, great idea. I might have to come up with something similar for my six and eighth grade classes. - Mrs. Ellis

    1. Good eye! Thanks! I'll upload a corrected copy as soon as I get in later today :)

  8. It looks like a great review. Does your class do 4 problems a day to make it last all week?When I printed it, the first page came out normal, but the second page came out unintelligible. is it possible to e-mail me page 2 a paulinegwatson@gmail.com? Thanks!! Enjoy your time in Sanibel!

    1. Hi Pauline!
      I'll email you a copy :)
      I actually haven't even used these with my own class yet, but I think I'll do it the same way I introduce the Weekly Word Wizard. We'll do a few at a time together for the first couple until they get the hang of it. I'll be making a helpful hints sheet for this one too that they can refer t when they get stuck :)

  9. I absolutely love this! Keep em coming!!

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. I love this as a review to keep brushing up on skils!

    I would love to see some different math vocabulary. I think what you have is great, but I would love to see variety in the way questions are asked each week, just so kids hear it asked differently. On tests sometimes the same question with one new word can throw them off! I would suggest using difference, sum, total, result, equation, number sentence, fact family, related facts, expanded form/notation, amount, shade, select, estimate, model, addend, part-part-whole, units, increase, decrease, greatest, least, etc. in rotation, just for a few ideas. I do love what you have already- I just think in a pack of these activities, varied vocabulary throughout the pack could make it even better!(but maybe you would have done that anyway :)

    I'd love to see 'digit' instead of number on the first one, and of courSe to make sure the numbers match up as answers on that one :). We also tend to call 2-d figures shapes and 3-d figures solids, but that's no big deal. The only other thing I would love to see is a graphing or data analysis question, if it fit!

    Great job on this pack! I have been looking for better ways to review and this is just so comprehensive!


    1. Wow - thanks for the thoughtful and thorough feedback! Great suggestions. I tried to fit in some graphing/data analysis, but it was kind of hard it the small spaces :/
      That's just about the only ccss I couldn't really squeeze in.

    2. I thought it might be too tough to fit :) No big deal! I really like what you have. I think I mostly made that so long because I felt like I wasn't explaining well. Thanks!

  12. Yeah, why isn't zen a word on Words with Friends?!? Drives me crazy! Enjoy your "zen," I'm jealous!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  13. yay! I love these :)
    okay, number 1 has an error...and how about what is the value of the underlined digit? for #5, can you use sum instead of answer?
    Also, is this for late 2nd grade?? Qs 15, 16, 18, and 19 are GREAT for my kids now, but early in the year, it would be hard for them...just a thought :)

    1. Hi Jen!
      I fixed #1 (you can download the revised copy using the same link above)
      I think this one would be good for around now, sets one and two will be easier for sure.
      These will have to start easier and then get progressively harder to keep pace with the year :)

  14. This is amazing. Love the idea, the review, the concepts...everything! Saw the editing suggestions....and that would be the only "suggestion" I would have. :)

  15. I love your Word Wizard units and look forward to using your Math Wizard units as well. You are a real inspiration. Keep up the good work and I'll keep following. Enjoy your spring break. We don't have a break until Easter and when you host both sides of the family for that holiday it's not really much of a break. I'm jealous!

    1. Thanks Martha!
      I know that feeling! We usually do Thanksgiving and one part of Christmas, so for Easter we go out for brunch!

  16. Thank you!! My students absolutely love your Weekly Word Wizards and I love that they include so much content to review! I can't wait to print and make copies of your math wizard to try with them when they get back from break. Just took a peek at it and wow it looks fantastic! Just what my kiddos need. I would love to see capacity and weight questions on any future math wizards. We are learning about ounces, pounds, grams, kilograms, cups, pints, etc. right now and they would really benefit with the extra review. Again, thanks so much for the share!! :)

    1. Hi Brittney!
      Those things would definitely be part of them at some point throughout the year. I'm planning on rotating through different measurement units for #12 (not just inches).
      Thanks so much for taking the time to leave feedback!

  17. I love the Weekly Word Wizards and am glad that you are working on making a Math version. I like the fact that the questions are very simple. I like that you have the expanded form of place value and am hoping you have some problems that will show the base 10 blocks. Ordinals will be a great addition, so would some basic measuring with inches and centimeters. This is great! Can't wait to see more!

    1. Thanks Rachel! Ordinals would be good - great suggestion! I'm planning on using the base 10 blocks in the sets for the early part of the year :)

  18. Here's my suggestion: DO NOT DO SCHOOL WORK ON VACATION! IN FLORIDA! Seriously, you are so wonderful to work on this (thereby saving the rest of us the trouble) but you should be enjoying your break. Love the mixed skills...many of mine missed a question recently on value of a digit since they all wrote its place instead. (And I was sure they knew the difference by this point in the year!)

    I used to go to Sanibel with my grandparents ages ago...would love to return one day. Wonder if I would recognize it?

    tokyoshoes (at) hotmail (dot) com

    1. Ha Suzy!! I can't stop -I'm obsessed! My husband always asks "Does that brain of yours EVER stop?" Sadly, no. But I enjoy it.
      I did manage to spend time at the pool without even my phone (yikes!) so I am taking a bit of a break.
      Sanibel is still beautiful (and sllllllow paced) The Bubble Room is still the happenin' spot in town! Come on down!

  19. Thanks Susan! Finding the simple, clean format was my biggest problem. I'm so glad you said that you like the layout! :)

  20. Love it! I don't use the Weekly Word Wizard since we have another word work program we have to use, but I definitely see myself using this for AM work in addition to the other things I rotate with. I love the spiraling concepts, and it is good to keep bringing up those things from long ago in September and October. My suggestion for you would be the look at the main concepts and keep a dedicated # problem for that - ex. - 2 and 3 D shapes would always be question #3, place value would always be #4, etc. Just a thought...

    1. Hi Erin,
      That is my plan exactly! That's how the Word Wizards are set up.
      I see a big difference with my kids since using the WW - they remember things that we did in the beginning of the year because they see them every week. I'm hoping this has the same effect for math :)

  21. Cue the heavenly choirs, angels, violins, and beams of sunshine.... HALLELUJAH!! Thank you so much for beginning to make these. My kiddos have asked me if there was a math one, and they will be TICKLED to know there is now!!

    Following Optimism in 2nd Grade

    1. Oh my gosh Haley! I'm cracking up!! That makes me feel all kinds of awesome!! Thank you so much for the encouragement. I'm working away! I'm shooting for the first set (which will actually be set 4 so you can use it now) by the end of the weekend.

    2. Hi there!
      The first set is ready! Email me at ShopSunnyDays@me.com and I'll send it along!

  22. Replies
    1. By the way, what math program do you use? We use enVision Math...we just went through all of the expanded/standard form and all during the first week of the 4th quarter.

    2. Hey Jen!
      We use Go Math. All of that stuff is in the first few chapters mixed in with place value. Even it our old series it was. I'm surprised it comes so much later in your series. I wonder which way is more common?

  23. This is awesome!! Definitely let us know when you complete the packet!! I would definitely use it! :) And I'm jealous that you're on spring break! The view looks A-mazing!

    Cheers to School

  24. I love it! I just downloaded it and I will share it with my class on Tuesday. (We have Friday and Monday off for PD) I also will share it with my neighbor 2nd grade teacher across the hall from me!
    Second In Line

  25. I am now following your site and your TPT store.


  26. I already follow your blog and TPT store.

  27. Oh my goodness! Totally left out half of the problem! Duh. Thanks Maureen, I'll update that tonight :). I need your pickypants to catch stuff like that!

  28. I follow your blog & TpT store!


  29. I follow your blog and TPT store!
    shannie803@gmail.com =o)

  30. I follow your blog and TPT store!
    shannie803@gmail.com =o)

  31. Denise,
    Downloaded last night and used them today. My second graders loved them!! I bought all of your weekly word wizards too! Thanks so much!! Enjoy your spring break!!

  32. I follow your blog and TpT store!!!!


  33. I follow your blog and TpT store

  34. Love this. Great variety and review each week. Would love more....a great resource for this brand new teacher!

  35. What a great idea! The format is so kid-friendly and I love that you have used the cc!


    Melissa (mgkubiak@gmail.com)

  36. What a great idea! I would love to use these for math journals next year if I'm lucky enough to teach 2nd grade again. (And we love Sanibel too - headed there when school gets out for summer! Not soon enough!)

  37. Love love love Sanibel! It's gotta be one of the most beautiful places in Florida! My parents have a townhouse in Ft. Myers Beach, but I always head over the bridge to the island! So calm and relaxing!

    Jealous!! :)


  38. Useful information ..I am very happy to read this article..thanks for giving us this useful information. Fantastic walk-through. I appreciate this post. Anchor: teddy bear

  39. Wow, love it! I am going to use it right away:) thanks and enjoy your vacation!

  40. These pages look great and are a good idea. The only one I have to change is the one with filling in the 100 chart. Our 100 chart is 0-99, so there wouldn't be a column to the right of 19.

  41. These pages look great and are a good idea. The only one I have to change is the one with filling in the 100 chart. Our 100 chart is 0-99, so there wouldn't be a column to the right of 19.

  42. Love, love, love these! I am stalking your blog waiting to see when you upload the first set for sale ! I can't wait! Thank you!!!!

  43. I am a first year teacher, teaching inner city in Houston. I have been looking for something like this for math!! I will be downloading your L.A. section too. Keep them coming!

  44. I'm loving these!! They are similar to the tic-tac-toe boards I send for enrichment with my kiddos!! thanks for sharing :)

    First Grade and Fabulous

  45. I love these. They are perfect for my class at this time of the year. I think the practice space is great. I would love to see sequence of numbers, ordinal numbers and finding the median number. I love all your work. Thank you for Sharing :)


  46. These are great Denise! Are you going to do a version for 1st grade???
    Mel D
    Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations

    1. Hi Mel!
      I've had a few requests for that, so looks like that is high up on my to-do list! :)

  47. I really like your weekly math magic. I gave this one to my kids today. I have one question. On number 20, what is it you want them to solve? You didn't ask a question, so I don't know if you want to know how many in all or how many more one has.

  48. Hi Patty!
    That was a mistake. I left off part of the problem :/
    Here's another freebie you can try :)

  49. The weekly math magic really made my students think! The curriculum that we use teaches to mastery so it doesn't have much review of skills that have been learned throughout the year. I will definitely be incorporating activities like this into my lessons.

  50. Love this! I am new to second grade this year and LOVE everything about this!! We start back next week and our first topic is place value so this will be perfect!! Thank you so much for all your AWESOME stuff! You are one of my favs already. :)


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