Math Mania Freebie

One of my most popular TeachersPayTeachers free downloads is my Math Mania file for the Smartboard. It's one of the very first items I shared on TpT three years ago and has over 30,000 downloads - is that insane or what?! Kind of blows my mind a bit.

With all those downloads, comes a lot of questions and many requests to help those who don't have a Smartboard use the file in some way. So, I thought I'd take some time to do that today.

You need Smart Notebook software to use the file the way it's listed, but I'm sharing some things with you today that will enable to use it even if you don't have access to the software - or even if you don't have any sort of interactive whiteboard at all. Yay! So first, the most common request I receive is to share the pdf of the activity separate from the Smart Notebook file, so here you go! Just click on the picture to download from Dropbox. You don't need an account to download, but you can sign up for one here if you do want to set up a free account. It really makes sharing and saving files super easy.
Now, be kind. I made this at the very beginning of my tpt adventure, so it's not quite as visually appealing as my stuff now, but the activity is still pretty darn good, if I do say so myself. ;)

The interactive notebook file shows how to complete each box on the page and looks something like this:

Now if you don't have the Notebook software, I've turned the whole file into a PDF. So if you at least have a projector you can show each page just as you would see it in the Notebook file. If you don't have a projector, you can perhaps display the pages on the board or use them with small groups. I hope that helps! You can download the PDF of that here.

There are a few ways to use Smart Notebook files with other interactive whiteboards, like Promethean and Mimeo, however I haven't had a ton of success importing these files into their software. Smart actually has a free read-only version of the software that will enable you to use Smart files without having the software.  Unfortunately, I've found that not all of the files translate so well and you tend to lose some of the interactivity, but it's definitely worth a try. You just have to download the files you want to use, then click here and you'll see this:

Click on "Open an existing Notebook file" and then choose the file you're trying to open. I'd love to hear if you have success with it!

I have a few other free Smartboard files you can try too. Just click on the pictures to download them from TpT.

Happy weekend, my friends. I've got a long list of things I need to do around this poor neglected house of mine now that most of the back to school craziness is subsiding. Now let's see if I actually accomplish any of it!


  1. I haven't tried your math mania for the smartboard! I'll definitely download it and try it next week! Thank you!! :)

    Sailing into Second

  2. oh smart way to notebook file to open and new to me !

  3. Hi Denise,
    That looks great, thanks for sharing! Love your tag line too!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After


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