Elfin' Magic

I'm not sure I have the words (or the strength to string them together) to describe the strange behaviors I'm seeing this week. I've all but thrown in the towel. Last week of school before break + full moon + tired teacher = crazy bunch of kids. I actually watched one of my kids jump up and down really fast, while shaking her LONG hair all over and repeating loudly "BoingBoingBoingBoing" in the HALLWAY on the way to lunch. Wha?? This is a kid who is usually an angel among children. I mean, at this point is there anything to do but laugh (and get them in that dang cafeteria as soon as humanly possible, of course.)

Moving on...
This morning, our elf CC left a note on the globe to show us where he's been traveling to and even brought back some snow. Perhaps it was not my his most creative visit, but it was Friday people and I was able to leave 30 minutes early! And it's harder than it looks to make a snow angel with hollow little felt legs!

This one is a bit better. Can you spot him?

He's sitting on the lamp in our library with a balloon bubble behind him. He even left us a special note! And gifts!! There's a bottle of bubbles on each student's desk. I'll be at a team leader meeting all day tomorrow - my sub is going to looooooove me!!

 Here's a close up of the note:

These are the snowman projects that CC was referring to - another Pinterest find. I may or may not be a *teensy* bit addicted...
Well friends, four more days until the real madness begins. Have I mentioned that I have done NO shopping yet AND I just found out today that Christmas Eve is at my house this year (and I may or may not still have Thanksgiving decorations out)?? Hanging out with the BoingBoing girl sounds easy in comparison!



  1. I have a little sweetie who puts on hand on the floor (sort of as an axis, I guess) and runs around and around sideways (can you picture this?). Yesterday, he must have been in tune with your "BoingBoing" girl because he was sitting in his seat at his desk, jumping straight into the air every 5-7 seconds...waiting then doing it again. Hmmmm...you have the "BoingBoing" girl...I have the boy! :D


    Stapler’s Strategies for Sizzlin' Second Graders!

  2. Super cute ideas! My kids are acting cuckoo this week, too!! (and we still have next week to go!!)
    First Grade Blue SKies

  3. Hi Denise:

    This was my early morning chuckle. I can totally picture the BoingBoing girl!

    Yesterday I kept the sixth graders busy by giving them a math test. It was the only quiet time all day!

    Happy Tuesday!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  4. I'm am ONE STEP away from my breaking point. And who was the genius that scheduled a field trip for this week? Oh me? Yeah, back when things felt somewhat normal in November...I think we can, I think we can...

  5. Denise...you're funny:) I had the same day last Friday...I was in freakout/break down/tired/cry mode then...no shopping, no tree, no decorating...my family pitched in (probably because they were scared of what would happen if they didn't....lol) and we got tons done:) Is it all done, no but it's better:) Hang in there girl!!

    4th Grade Frolics

  6. Yesterday my class was cuh-razy! But today our elf delivered a less than nice letter from Santa saying some of us needed to behave better so we don't end up on the naughty list. Most seemed concerned so we'll see how tomorrow goes! Good luck.
    2B Honey Bunch

  7. Great activities! Such a fun time for your kids!

    Happy Holidays!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  8. I love your letter from your elf, CC! I am the Technology person at my school so our elf had to be a techie! I created a Twitter account that he "tweets" to everyday. That way, the kids have to login to Twitter to view what he says. They love it!

  9. I love your letter from your elf, CC! I am the Technology person at my school so our elf had to be a techie! I created a Twitter account that he "tweets" to everyday. That way, the kids have to login to Twitter to view what he says. They love it!

  10. Cute activity and I'm sure the kiddos will love the bubbles! I have had many experiences with boing boing boys and girls!

  11. It's come down to keeping the lights on low.... and doing lots of crafts, reading, crafts, reading, and more crafts. I pretty much given up on subjecting them to the real curriculum, they won't remember it anyway after 2 weeks off. Just 2 more days.... we have our class party and on Friday is our Polar Express PJ Day! :)

    Just 4 Teachers: Sharing Across Borders
    Just 4 Teachers: View my products on TPT


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