Lucky Family Project

I'm not sure I even believe it's already March - but here we are! I have a fun project to share with you today. I love this one because the kids are always so proud when they bring them in!  We do this as a whole team and so the hallway is just filled with shamrocks. Sometimes we run down the hallway with our arms out pretending that we're running through a field of shamrocks in Ireland. Or maybe the kids are just running in the hall because they're seven and have more energy in their pinky than I do in my whole body. Yeah, I'm guessing it's probably that.

We have the kids trace a shamrock onto green paper and then take it home to cut out and decorate. The idea is to get families to work on the project together. It's a nice change of pace homework assignment.

I blogged about this project last year over at Really Good Stuff, but at that point I didn't have a direction page to share. But, guess what? I do now and here it is! Just click HERE to download it. I included the direction page to send home and a shamrock pattern. The shamrock is actually smaller than the one we use, so you can either enlarge it or maybe even project it and copy it onto a piece of large construction paper. The ones on my board are actually freehanded by me. I just made a few tracers on tagboard.

Have a fantastic week, my friends!


  1. I just love this!! Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. What a wonderful way to decorate for St. Patrick's Day and to allow the students to share their families with their classmates! It's a great idea to send it home for the students to work on with their families. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Thanks for the freebie! I love the idea of the families working on this together.

  4. I LOVE this project!! So meaningful for families to work together!
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

  5. This is SO CUTE!!! I love the idea so much! I am actually going to assign it this week! I can't wait to see how my kids' shamrocks turn out! Thanks for sharing.

    Compassionate Teacher

  6. This is an adorable idea! Thank you for sharing!

  7. Hey lovely lady!! I miss chatting with you! I am sure you are so busy but I wanted to tell you I will definitely be using your adorable shamrock activity so thank you!!! Xo

  8. This St. Patty's Day baby LOVES this idea! Thanks so much :)

  9. What an adorable idea! Thank you so much for sharing :)

  10. What a wonderful idea - I'm definitely going to use this with my kiddos!

    "Joy in the Journey"


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