I'm joining up with Latoya at Flying into First Grade for a super cute linky.
You have to share three things you like using your initials.
So, first is D for my first name. That one was a no-brainer.
D is for Drinking Coffee
If it's hot, then it has to be dark and bold with cream, no sugar.
If it's iced, then it's Iced Venti 4 pump Vanilla Latte, with light ice.
I *might* be a little particular about my coffee order...
My middle name starts with an M, so
M is for Mac
I am a total Mac girl.My husband is a total Mac guy. I learned on a Mac and really just don't have any experience with a PC. Every now and then I'll try to play with one in the store and it's scary how lost I am! It was a sad, sad day in our house when Steve Jobs passed away.
My last name starts with a B, so
B is for Blogging
I lucked out on that one, huh?
I've said it before, but I really believe that starting this blog and reading the blogs of other teachers gave me my second wind for teaching. I was at a major crossroads and needed to either find a way to love teaching or find something else to do with my life. Thankfully, something brought me to the blogosphere and the rest is history!
Hop over to Latoya's blog and check learn some new things about your favorite bloggers or share some things about yourself!

Hi Denise...love how blogging gave you a new love for this profession..so sweet.
What a fun linky!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou DID luck out!!!!! :)
I feel exactly the same about the fire the blogging lit! I am a Mac girl through and through... used to be anti-Mac, but I came around and never looked back! You totally lucked out. My initials are making me hesitant to link up! :D
ReplyDelete❤DragonfliesinFirst ❤
I think many people (including me) are happy you found blogging. Yours is definitely an inspiration :)
Stories by Storie
Fun linky! I am a total Mac girl, myself!! Apple all the way!
A Cupcake for the Teacher
Blogging also gave me wings and another look at teaching.It's a nice Linky,I think I'll join.
Enjoy Teaching English