We all know that finding a way to motivate kids can be difficult. I've had countless conversations with parents asking for some magical way to motivate their kids to do their homework, read each night, or work on book reports or science fair projects sometime before the night before they're due.
I recently learned about a website that I really feel comfortable recommending to parents when they ask for help in this area. It's called MyJobChart.com and is basically an online chore chart for kids. Parents can set up chores that they want their kids to complete during the day or at night, then kids log in to their own account and check off their chores as they are completed. The really cool part is that the kids earn points for completing their chores. Those points accumulate and eventually they can decide to save the money by sending it to a real bank account, share it by donating to a charity of their choice, or they can go shopping on Amazon and spend it!
It's free, easy for parents to set up, and very kid-friendly. Besides the normal chores a parent might want their kids to do, they can add any of their own, like reading each night or completing homework. If I had kids of my own, I'd definitely be setting up accounts for them, but it's just me and the hubs and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be too crazy about the idea ;)
MyJobChart.com also has a super easy school fundraising offer. Just send an email to your students' families and for one month your school will earn $1 for each family that signs up with a free account. You can read more about that here.
I love the concept of this site and have passed along the information to our PTA. I also created some resources to use with students to help them understand the differences between saving, sharing, and spending and to give them a general idea of how the site works.
I hope you find this as useful and interesting as I do!

That is cool! I'm going to use it with my own kids!! I always struggle with the "motivation" question. I never know what to say. Motivation is really intrinsic! Some kids just don't have drive or passion. Thanks for sharing!
Beach Sand and Lesson Plans
Thanks Denise. I never heard of Myjobchart, but I am going to check it and incorporate it to my repertoire!
Fonts 4 Teachers
Fonts 4 Teachers in TPT
I think this is a great idea! I could have used this when mine were young! I like that you taught them what sharing, saving and spending means.
Thank you for posting about this! I am always looking for ways to raise money for my classroom or school! I've taken the year off from grant writing, so this sounds like a great way to raise a little extra money!