I'm so happy to be partnered once again with Scholastic to share a resource I've actually been using for years. It's their on-demand resource site called Scholastic Printables. It's a lot like someone took the best parts of your favorite teaching resource books and magazines, digitized them, categorized and stored them for you. And now all you have to do is search and print!
A few years ago I went on a massive purge and got rid of years and years of old resource books that were just taking up space and collecting dust. It felt so great at the time to get all that cabinet space back but soon I realized that I did miss having all those resources to browse when I was stuck in a rut. Thats where Scholastic Printables comes in for me. I can easily browse through lessons by content, theme, or skill. It's been especially helpful for me when I'm looking for something to help me quickly differentiate.
Along with printable activities, you'll find a wealth of ideas and helpful tips.
Here's a little freebie for you to download. We're going to cut these out, color them and use them for our April bulletin board. Easy Peasy {Just right click to save or drag to your desktop.}
So, how do you win a year of this awesomeness at your fingertips? Just share this giveaway on your choice of social media then come back here and enter the rafflecopter to let me know how you shared. Earn an additional entry for leaving a comment about how you'd use Scholastic Printables in your classroom. Share on social media by pinning this post to Pinterest, or sharing this button to your Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook accounts. You must leave a link to my blog (SunnyDaysBlog.com).
You can also visit MY social media accounts using the buttons on the right sidebar and just share the image I'm posting about the giveaway on my accounts.
Scholastic Printables give you instant, unlimited access to thousands of skills sheets, activities, lesson plans and more. These classroom resources are created by teachers and vetted by your trusted friends at Scholastic. Save time and money, and browse with confidence. To start your free trial, please click here.
Visit the Scholastic Printables official website.
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I'm always in need of morning work ideas, and these worksheets look perfect for that!
ReplyDeleteThese printables would be great to supplement curriculum topics, as morning work or review