Other Teacher Feature #2

     Lately, I've felt like a private eye snooping around looking for evidence of great teaching in my school to highlight as my Other Teacher Feature. I never have to go very far. Our school is divided into three distinct sections: the building, the "new" building ...


Worth a Mint

     If you've been following me for a few posts, you already know some things about me. I'm a part-time neat freak, I love to write and in the words of  Doug Heffernan, I likes me cookies. <--I actually need to do something about that last one. I'm also a ...


Tasty Tuesday

     I'm willing to bet that you've heard more than one kid say, "I don't know what to write about".  Despite compiling lists in writer's notebooks, reading a great model text, brainstorming sessions that take up the whole board and cartwheeling across the classroom ...


Shift Change

     Every.Single.August my husband and I have the same conversation:Me: These kids are good and all, but they're not like last year's class. Hubs: You say that every year. Me: No I don't. I mean, these kids are good and cute, but last year's class had so much personality, ...


Organized Chaos

     If my mother was here to see that I was a guest blogger on a site called "The Organized Classroom", she'd certainly have something to say about it. She was never one to mince words. My husband also thinks it's pretty darn funny. I have to admit, I'm a little ...


Other Teacher Feature #1

     Yesterday I wrote about an interesting little social experiment that I was conducting. <--That actually sounds way more formal that it really is. Honestly, I was just surprised to see how much teachers really enjoy being noticed for their hard work. Who would ...


Sometimes it's a Tough Choice

    Staying focused on the sunny side of things in education is sometimes a battle. It's not my students, my class, my school. It's all of the other junk that gets in my head when I allow myself to pay attention to sound bites from the news or I read about budget ...


We Have Company!

As a fairly new teacher blogger, I've been overwhelmed with how openly other teacher bloggers have welcomed me into the fold.  I started this blog as a way to keep my focus on the positive during the most trying times I've ever been a part of as an education professional. Between ...


Clean up your Handwriting

     There is very strange phenomena I've been witness to for many years. It's called Sticky-Kid-Finger Syndrome. As a teacher, I'm sure you've witnessed it as well. A seemingly clean kid uses a pencil at small group. You go to put it away and it's sticky! A child ...


The Great Cover Up

     Each school has their own distinct challenges when it comes to parental involvement. I've worked at a school where I sat at Open House, alone in my room, wondering if a single parent would venture in. I've worked at a school where about half of the parents attended ...


Oreo Overload

     For a while this year, I'm sure my students' parents thought I had a serious Oreo habit. It seemed like every week I was asking them to send in more packages of America's Favorite Cookie. While I'll admit I did sample a cookie or two (gotta maintain quality control) ...


Not Just For Camping

     Anyone who knows me at all knows that I am not a rough-it-in-a-tent kind of girl. I appreciate the beauty of nature, but I'd rather admire it from afar. Like in a climate controlled hotel room with a great view.      That being said, I do love ...

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