Science Fair Made Easy (and Free!)

No school project strikes fear in hearts of kids, parents and teachers quite like the science fair project! It just sounds daunting! All those steps, the board, notebook, pictures! I remember quite clearly fretting over my own science fair projects in school, although to be fair, ...


Things That are Most in the World

Well, right now if you asked me, "Hey, Denise - What's most in the world?" I'd probably say, "The time between now and the last day of freakin school already!!!".  I don't want to seem like I hate my job and can't wait to run for the hills on June 7, but something happens ...


Money, Money, Money!

Money time! Nope, not in my paycheck or any craziness like that - just the joy of playing with plastic coins that never, ever accidentally fly across the room when we're supposed to be counting by 5's or 10's. Funny how those suckers get so slippery in the hands of antsy 8 year ...


Shaving cream and recess

Hey Friends! I can't believe it's been over a week since I posted. Well, scratch that. I can believe it. It's been CRA-ZEE around these parts lately. I'm sure you all know the feeling. It doesn't help that I recently became obsessed with started reading about Christian and ...


Testy about Testing

On Tuesday, I attended a CCSS training in an old ratty training center that is supposed to be central for everyone, but I'm not buying it. On the way there, I got into a minor accident that had me all shaky the rest of the day (very minor, everything is just fine!) I met a sweet ...


Working with Word Walls

Hey Friends!  I am super excited to welcome one of blog buddies, Jeannie, to share a great idea with you today! Don't be fooled by the title of her blog, what she's got to share will be  perfect for older kids as well. Enjoy! Hi ya'll!!  My name is Jeannie ...


Currently in May

Love me some Currently hosted by Farley over at Oh Boy Fourth Grade! Here's mine - hop over to Farley's place to make your own and link up! ...


I'm a Mirror

I'm a mirror. I know it. I've always known it. The louder I am, the louder the kids are. When I'm frazzled and unorganized, the kids are frazzled and unorganized. As we inch ever so slowly toward June and the lazy days of summer, I find my self saying, "Seriously?" and "Really, ...

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