Blog Swap & Hop!

Welcome to the Hop! I am so fortunate to belong to an amazing networking group of bloggers that have truly become friends of mine in every sense of the word. Today we're hopping to each other's blogs for a little visit! I am crazy excited to welcome Erin from Kleinspiration ...


Run to Dollar Tree!

Don't mean to cause alarm, but dang did I get the cutest glasses from Dollar Tree! I was at a loss of what to do for my volunteers this year when I was roaming around the 'Tree, considering maybe picture frames with the kids signatures or something, when I spotted these cardboard ...


Rock the Vote (for me?)

So, how's this for exciting news?!  I am a finalist for the Really Good Stuff Education Blog Awards! I can't even figure out how to describe what I'm feeling...honored? overwhelmed? humbled? thankful? grateful? appreciative? Yeah, all of those things actually and some more ...


Computer Clean-up

Part of the end of the year ritual always includes cleaning things that you somehow neglected for way too long. For me, that included my class laptops. These laptops are in my library corner and hold two castoff laptops that work  *just enough*  if you cross your fingers ...


Box Lunch

Well I have already transitioned into the phase of summer when I forget what day of the week it is! Love it! I am also loving my coffee in a real mug that is actually still hot when I drink it! Ahhh...it's the little things... What, you guys don't make pretty pictures in your ...


Florida Blogger Meet-up!

My last day of school was Friday and then first thing Saturday hubs and I packed up and then hopped in the car and headed right to Cocoa Beach for a fantastic Florida Blogger Meet-up! I must say, when we pulled into town, I was um, unimpressed with the whole area. As a matter of ...


Sock your Students!

So, did my title grab your attention? Of course I don't mean to really sock your students, but I do have something else that you can give them that they might like a lot more! One of the sayings I use in my classroom is reserved for VERY special accomplishments. I only utter it ...

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