Win the Best Little Sharpener Ever!

I can not even begin to tell you the number of electric pencil sharpeners I've burned through. For years, I swore by a particular brand of industrial sharpener because it outlasted the rest, but even that one eventually burned out. I just accepted it as a way of life until I started ...


Birthdays are in the Can

Kids look forward to their birthdays with such excitement and expectation, that we really have to do something special to help them celebrate their special day. I've tried a few different ways to celebrate birthdays, in fact you can see some of them here. I wanted to do something ...


I Finally Made a Teacher Toolbox!

When I was at Michaels shopping around for my #Create2Educate Sweepstakes, which you can read more about about here, I loaded up my cart with a lot more than I needed for to make my Get to Know Me Necklaces... Under that pile of awesomeness, are two packs of paper that I just ...


Get to Know You Necklace Freebie

I'm so excited to be partnering up with Michaels for their #Create2Educate Instagram Sweepstakes! First, I'm going to share one of the projects I do to start each year using some of the great products at Michaels, then at the end of this post, you can learn more about how you ...


Birthday Sale!

Today is my birthday, so let's celebrate! For today only, July 19, everything in my TpT store is 20% off to celebrate my 20th birthday! Just go with it people...it's my birthday. I'm allowed to pretend. I'm off to enjoy a day of fun and relaxation. Yay for summer birthdays ...


Kleenex Experiment Video

There's a reason that Kleenex is synonymous for tissue. You know when you see Kleenex on the box, you're going to grab a tissue that can easily handle anything from watching the end of The Notebook to a full on allergy attack or a bout with the common cold, which doesn't feel all ...



There is no clear theme to this post, hence the title. Mash up sounds all cool when other people use it to describe things, so I thought I'd give it a whirl although I'm pretty sure I'm using it in the wrong context. I usually try to tie things together with some kind of unifying ...


Perfect Curves and a Caption Contest

I am the least spatial person I know. I really am. Hanging bulletin boards and arranging desks are kind of nightmare activities for me. Luckily, like most people who know their weaknesses, I've developed some coping skills. So today I'm going to share a cool bulletin board trick ...


Ready for Back to School?

No, me neither. In fact, here's a reminder about summer... I'm nowhere near ready to go back, but I did just finish up my August and September Printable Pack! Last October I had the idea of making seasonal printables for each month so that I always had a nice collection of ...

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