Bright Idea: Make a video introduction for your new class

My husband is a busy man. He teaches in the computer lab full time and is also the tech guy for his school. Oh and he also designed and maintains the school website and does almost all their social media. I'm not quite sure how he does it. And he does some really cool things ...


Our First STEM Challenge!

I've heard the term STEM being thrown around quite a lot over the past couple of years. I knew it stood for Science Technology Engineering and Math. And that's about all I knew. So I started researching a bit more and found that it wasn't some big, abstract, scary thing. It's actually ...


Tips to Trash the Treasure Box!

This is my treasure box. It's been a staple in my classroom for a long time. It's been the eye-catching distraction for many curious students wondering what fantastical rewards await them inside. I couldn't find a better close-up picture, but it's a pretty cool looking treasure ...


Orange You Glad it's Summer {Gift Idea!}

I work with an amazing team of teachers. We've been together for a long time and seen each other through celebrations, births, marriages, divorces, happy times, and heartache. We've become more like family than just friends or co-workers. And we're kind of breaking up. It's sad. ...


Win a Classroom Carpet!

When I first started teaching, way back when my main duty at recess was to keep the dinosaurs away from the children, we did not have telephones in our rooms, forget computers, and I think we were pretty sure this "interweb thing" was just a phase.  However, we did have ...

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