Tardy to the Halloween Party! {updated freebie}

Oh, this little blog of mine has been woefully neglected lately. I think it's partly because I tend to put off writing a post until I have some grand idea with a billion artfully staged pictures. And then that never happens and then way too much time passes between blog posts. So ...


Fun Morning Messages!

If you follow me on Instagram, you've seen my orange board messages and I've promised a blog post about it forever - so here it is! A while ago I saw this little table top easel at Hobby Lobby and had to have it. I had no idea what I was going to do with it at the time, but ...


October Math Mats - No cutting or laminating necessary!

I was trying to create some math task cards for the month and I kept thinking about how I was going to have to  laminate and cut all of them before I could use them. Then I thought - well,  maybe I won't cut them apart. Then I took it a step further and and decided to ...

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