Meet Frenchie!

So first of all, yikes! I have been seriously neglecting this blog of mine. Real life is a bit crazy right now for sure, but I also feel so connected through Instagram that I think I've forgotten the value of a real actual post that's longer than a few quick sentences under a hastily ...


2015 Room Reveal

Hey friends! We've just finished up our second full week of school.  I'm sure you totally get it, but I am LOVING the fact that we have a three day weekend!  I changed a few things around this year. I don't have a particular theme, but I was trying to go for a more ...


Pro Tip: Hanging Heavy Objects Without Nails

I've been working on my room for a couple of hours a day for the past couple of weeks. I have gotten a lot done, but there's still so much more to do! We report for the first day of pre-planning on Monday but it's ok. I work best under pressure! I just wanted to share this quick ...


Ice-breaker Idea - Blog Hop, Second Stop!

Glad that you were able to join us for the third annual Orange Ya' Glad it's a Blog Hop! I am the If you have hopped with us in the past, some things will be familiar, and some things will be new! This year, all of our bloggers are focusing on free tips or ideas that they ...


It's almost time to HOP!

For the third year in a row, I'm joining with some wonderful Florida bloggers to give you some great back to school ideas to start the year off right! You can look forward to seeing tips  and winning prizes from the following Florida PreK-5 bloggers! Please ...

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