Early Finisher and Enrichment Solutions

I've been teaching gifted and high achieving students for the past 15 years. In that time, I've come to have a great understanding of what motivates bright minds and what turns them off. I have a solid understanding of what I can expect my young, bright minded students to ...


Kids are Incredible Week!

There is some really fun stuff going on at Carson Dellosa this week.  They've declared it Kids are Incredible Week! I couldn't agree more. Im bringing you this news a bit on the tail end of the celebration, but I just checked out the website and there's still time to ...


Airborne Everyday Giveaway!

I was recently contacted by Airborne, eager to spread the word about their newest daily multivitamin with immune support. I don't often agree to work with companies that aren't directly linked to education in some way, but I was intrigued so I agreed. I have been compensated ...


National Foot Check Day...EPIC April Fools Idea!

I'm learning that after you pull an epic April Fool's Day prank, word spreads. Sometimes you have kids that have heard tales of the prank from older siblings, sometimes other well meaning teachers play your prank before you have a chance with your own kids. Such has been the case ...

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