Wish You Were Here!

This is what I spent quite a few hours staring at yesterday.  Now just imagine an icy cold refreshment and "Brown Eyed Girl" and other similar summer tunes in the background. Don't forget the unmistakable scent of suntan lotion and the soft crashing of waves mixed with the ...


Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

The Colossal Contest is over and we have a winner! One of our very own followers, Fern McAllister Smith! I'm so happy for you Fern!! When I saw her name I was almost as happy as if I had won myself. I know we have a Janine here too, but there's no last name on your profile. ...


Oh, Oh Domino!

I have been creating these altered dominoes for years. Once I got started, there was no stopping me for a while. I scoured the aisles of the craft store and found all sorts of things that could be glued to the back of a domino. I created domino necklaces, barrettes, bookmarks, magnets, ...


To-Do List

If you are anything like me, your to-do list is growing faster than your lawn in the summertime. And speaking of summertime, it's almost here! Ah, coffee from a real mug, pajamas all day if I want, matinee movies with the hubs and lots of time to plan and write new curriculum. ...


Colossal Contest!

Remember when I teased that a big contest was coming?? Well, here it is! You don't wan't to miss this one! You can win 14 amazing resources from TpT sellers, including one of my center six packs. I mean, look at all that teachery deliciousness right there. Imagine looking forward ...



     When I started this blog a little under two months ago, I remember being super excited that 8 people were following me. Of course I was one of them and 2 were my husband. Still, I was thrilled. Now, we're up to 100 in our little blog family.      ...


Room for Improvement

     I've been spoiled blessed to have great classrooms for most of my career. In my 18 years of teaching, at my best count I've had 7 different classrooms in three different schools (including one year I spent co-teaching in the media center- Hi Gina!) I've always ...


Lesson Learned

Check out my guest post over at Effective Teaching Articles. A look back on a lesson from one of my high school teachers that took about 20 years to sink in. Better late than never, righ ...


Star Treatment

Warning: What you are about to see may surprise you. It depicts a ritual that sadly, has been abandoned in some areas of modern society. The following images show public school teachers being treated as highly regarded, respected professionals worthy of recognition and appreciation. ...


Sell Out

              At the risk of sounding like a salesperson, which I so am not, there's a big sale going on at TeachersPayTeachers.  Enter the code TAD11 to get up to 40% off depending on the seller.  All of my things are ...


Soup-er Spelling Review

Visit this Linky Party for some more end of the year ideas!      Well, my friends, today was one of those days that even I had a hard time staying positive. As usual, nothing to do with my kids or school, just the general nastiness of what's happening to us as professionals. ...

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