Apples ala Pinterest

See that sign up there. That is totally me (in fact I created it!) I am way addicted to Pinterest. I do have a problem though. I can't remember if I've already pinned something, so I keep repining things I've already pinned. No worries though, the more the better, I say! This week ...


Synonym Shaker Freebie!

Ok, my friends. I have been thinking about this activity since the summer when I stumbled upon this crazy awesome idea about discovery bottles over at Tunstalls Teaching Tidbits. Please allow me to give her proper credit for planting this seed in my brain! I had been saving ...


Dollar Tree - To You, From Me!

I have developed a bit of an addiction to Dollar Tree. I can quickly think of six locations within driving distance, which restaurants are near each one (hey, if you're going out anyway...) and then quickly rank them from best to worst - all in the space of a few seconds. I know ...


Weekly Work Folders

When I first started teaching many moons ago, I learned pretty quickly that if your organizational skills were subpar, you were in for a world of trouble. One of the things I struggled with the most was managing students' finished work. I tinkered with various methods, like mailboxes ...


Facebook Linky Party!

Happy Sunday! Just popping in for a quickie post in between enjoying a family birthday, playing with my new laminator, and working on the most awesome {freebie} activity to share with you! I'm seriously so excited...it's one of those ideas I've had rolling around in my brain that ...


Estimation Station

Using a benchmark to make an estimate is an important skill for our second graders to develop and it's one they continue to revisit through the years. Estimation Station is a really fun way to bring that skill to life in the classroom. A teammate introduced this to me a few years ...


Math Shutterfolds

Today was pretty awesome. I felt a little like a Jedi master at one point. I started to realize that I was talking louder and louder because the kids were talking louder and louder. All my years of wisdom and experience had kind of abandoned me for some reason over the past week ...


American Pride Linky Party

I have to say that in years past, I did not specifically address the events of September 11 with my class. Our district never put forth any clear directive and I was never quite sure how much the kids might already know. Honestly, with such young kids, I felt that this is one ...

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