Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, my friends, the time has come to raise the roof and have some fun to give thanks for our blessings and stuff our faces with turkey and pie. And as I am so sure that you've read enough "Things I'm Thankful For" essays from your students, I'll spare you the monotony joy of hearing yet another one from me. Suffice it to say, I am thankful in many ways on all days for the blessings in my life, both big and small, real and virtual and I count every single one of you among them.

Have a fantastic Thanksgiving with your family and friends. Check back tomorrow after your tryptophan coma has subsided for some special announcements. Big squishy virtual hugs to you all!



  1. Thanks for all of your inspiration and sharing this year! You are indeed a bright ray of sunshine! Happy Thanksgiving.


  2. Thanks guys!
    I didn't write the poem -it was on a card given to me by my principal many years ago, but I always loved it! :)
    Hope you all had a great turkey day!


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