New Way to Group!

I'm back from my happy place. It was very, very happy as usual. Good news is that I'll be going back over Memorial Day weekend, so I'm not even that sad about having to come home! Unbelievably, I can go in next week and start getting my room ready already. How did that happen?? ...


Ready Confetti!

Hey Friends! I'm off to my happy place for a few days. I have fallen in love with this resort and lucky for me it's just a few hours drive away. I will be spending the next four days floating around the lazy river with an adult beverage or two.  I have not turned my teacher/school/blog/tpt ...


Common Core Math Ideas

I have gone Common Core Crazy. I don't remember a time when I dug into something "new" in the world of education as thoroughly as I have Common Core. I'm not sure why exactly, but it's true. This has been my Common Core Summer. Wow, that's exciting, huh? I need to squeeze in a real ...


MPM School Supplies

I recently had the very good fortune to be contacted by MPM School Supplies. They offered to let me choose some free items from their site if, in return, I would share my experiences with you. How could I say no to that? I actually was not familiar with the company, so I immediately ...


Making Sense of Common Core Math

As I mentioned in this post over on TBA,  I recently attended a great Common Core professional development session. It was a three day venture during which we rotated through how to apply CCSS to Science, Social Studies, Math and Language Arts. They all had great things to ...


International Blog-Hopping Day!

Hello my friends! I hope you all had a safe and happy fourth yesterday. It was a hot and sticky night down here in South Florida, but we still had fun with a family bbq and some fireworks. The older I get, the more low-key I like my holidays... Did you know that today is another ...


Currently in July

It's time for Farley's Famous Currently! I look so forward to these every month. It's a fun way to get a glimpse into the lives of the bloggers behind the blogs without those long and winding "Tell 45 things about you" kind of posts. So, here's mine for July. Most are pretty self-explanatory ...

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