Cricut Mini Giveaway!

I've been a pretty hardcore paper crafter for many years. I could roam the aisles of a scrapbook store and just gaze at the pretty papers and embellishments for hours. But only if there's a cushy hubby-chair, otherwise, after about 20 minutes I start feeling guilty that someone ...


Home Team Advantage Pack Giveaway!

Ready for another cool giveaway? You're going to like this one. It's a Home Team Advantage Goal Achievement Pack from ETA Hand2Mind. It's a nifty nylon backpack filled with these goodies: 3 books—   -Color My World   -The Dragon Family   -The Volcano Project 1 ...


Brag Tags Giveaway!

I so hope you all are enjoying these giveaway days! I'm no Oprah or anything, but it's been fun for me to know all these cool products that I got to review will also be in some of your classrooms soon. Today's giveaway is sponsored by Boost Promotions' Brag Tags. I was lucky enough ...


Number Balance Giveaway

I am really excited about today's giveaway. I've been to several CCSS math trainings and each of them brought out a Number Balance like this one from Educational Insights, claiming that each school should have plenty of them "somewhere". Well, I searched high and low, asked around, ...


Pop for Addition and Subtraction Giveaway

Hey friends! Ready for another giveaway? Don't miss yesterday's and don't forget to stop back tomorrow! We're just getting started :) Pop for Addition and Subtraction is a great way to work on quick recall of basic addition and subtraction facts. My students have a pretty good ...


Lakeshore Learning Giveaway & Coupon!

One of the perks of blogging is getting to try out new products and then sharing them with you! I have a few really amazing things to share with you right now and instead of stretching them out over the next few weeks, I've decided to share them with you over the next few days in ...


Being Frank

We have another guest today! Barbara is here with a great book review. Sounds like one I need in my library for sure. Enjoy! Being Too Frank by Barbara Gruener Howdy from The Corner On Character. Today I'm basking in the glow of being invited to guest post at Sunny Days. ...


Magic Squares for you!

I'm so excited to welcome my blog buddy Heather. She's got a great math activity to share with you and she brought gifts! Enjoy!  Hey everyone! It's Heather - better known as HoJo - from HoJo's Teaching Adventures! {Read on! I promise there's a FREEBIE in it for you!} I'm ...


Gooney Bird, Boots & Pinwheels

Down here in South Florida, we're entering the 5th week of school and I JUST now feel like I have my feet under me! After a bajillion years in the classroom, you'd think it would come a little faster. It's mostly because I'm always changing things up. I have to be that way though. ...


Electronic Recycling

I tease my husband all the time about his penchant for recycling. I've actually nicknamed him Recylco, like a superhero recycler. I recycle, but I can be a lazy recycler. If I use up the last of the peanut butter or mayonaise or something similarly sticky or messy, I may "accidentally" ...

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