My Truth Monday - What's Your One Little Word?

It's been a lot of fun hosting My Truth Monday for the last 12 weeks. I've loved getting to know a bit more about all of my fellow bloggers and blog readers!  Now that the craziness of the holidays is (mostly) behind us, I thought it would be nice to focus on the ...


Ready, Set, Print - January!

So, how were your holidays?! My Christmas was fantastic. I was super stressed about shopping and waiting so long to decorate, but in the end everything was wonderful and I'm left feeling blessed beyond belief. And exhausted...but that's what the holidays are all about, right? In ...


My Truth Monday - Favorite App or Website (and a contest!)

So, full moon the week before winter break...oh, what a sense of humor you have Mother Nature!! I have about eleventy billion things to do besides actually be a full time teacher this week, but I didn't want to let My Truth Monday slip past me. I hope you all enjoyed the ridiculousness ...


It's Not Too Late to Start Stuffing Stockings!

Last year I shared a wonderful classroom kindness project made by Susan at TGIF. It was definitely one of the highlights of the holiday season with my class. I'm in the middle of it with this year's class and again, it's proving to be just as wonderful this time around. It's really ...


My Truth Monday - Misunderstood Song Lyrics

I've become a pretty big Jimmy Fallon fan lately. I think it started with this video with The Roots and Robin Thicke singing Blurred Lines using classroom instruments {which is now my ringtone btw!} From there I started poking around YouTube and found his Late Night Hashtags. ...


Write Every Day! {Updated Writing Center Task Cards}

I decorated the blog for Christmas! It was way easier than decorating my house, I'll tell you that much. Wanna hear a secret? I still haven't even really put away everything from Thanksgiving! I just decorated the classroom before I left on Friday, so at least my kids ...


Get Ready for December!

I'm sure you've heard the news by now, but it does bear repeating. The big TpT Cyber Monday & Tuesday sale is upon us! Hey, anytime we can save a few dollars it's worth spreading the news. Of course, I'm a seller but I'm also a HUGE buyer! See...this is a snapshot from "My ...

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