Show and Tell Tuesday - Valentine's Day

This week's theme is Valentine's Day! I'm a big mushball romantic, so I love this holiday. I hope it's controversy-free enough that you all can celebrate it with your class! And now...my Featured Five to get the party started: Stephanie at Falling into First has this ...


Cupids for Cancer

 Did you know that pediatric oncology departments at children's hospitals all over the country are in need of individually wrapped snacks and bottled juices or water that can be given to their patients while they are at the hospital for radiation or chemotherapy?  Being ...


Online Chore Chart for Kids

We all know that finding a way to motivate kids can be difficult. I've had countless conversations with parents asking for some magical way to motivate their kids to do their homework, read each night, or work on book reports or science fair projects sometime before the night ...


Show and Tell Tuesday - 100th Day of School!

This week's Show & Tell Tuesday showcases the 100th day of school. I hope yours hasn't passed yet so you can find some new ways to celebrate! As always, I'll start with my featured five to get the party started! My friend Lorraine at Fabulous Fourth Grade Froggies ...


Getting Ready for February!

There seems to be a glitch with the email sent Teachers Pay Teachers to notify you when a seller uploads a new product. Since I've spent many hours of my life and ruined a good manicure creating some new things, I thought I'd take a moment to let you know what's new in my store. First ...


Marzano Student Rating Scale

Down here in Florida most teachers are becoming quite familiar with the work of Dr. Robert Marzano. His works have been the subject of many staff development meetings over the last two years. A lot of his principles are common sense, good teaching practices. Some are a little harder ...


Show and Tell Tuesday - Winter!

This week's Show & Tell Tuesday showcases some great winter related activities. I spent tons of time scouring the web to bring you some really cool things, get it? As always, feel free to link up your ideas at the bottom of the post! I've seen lots of snow globe ...

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