April Fool's Day Classroom Fun!

I have been thinking about this April Fool's prank for about two years - no joke! I heard the idea for this somewhere and I really have no idea if it was a blog or conversation or friends of mine. If it was your original idea, let me know! All I remember is that you have the ...


6 Things for Spring!

I am officially on Spring Break! I know for some of you it doesn't really feel like spring yet. Sorry about that, but at least you'll get some justice. In case you haven't heard the breaking news, this should help. I'll be away for a few days this week, so I'm rounding up some ...


Attitude Adjustment

Want to laugh? I was looking for some motivation to keep chugging along until spring break and I came across a pretty good article. Here's the funny part - I wrote it! I was a guest author over at Effective Teaching Articles almost two years ago with the following post. I'm reposting ...


It's Your Lucky Day Sale!

I'm not Irish, but I neve pass up a chance to party. I'm joining up with some of my favorite bloggy friends and throwing a sale to celebrate St. Patty's Day! Everything in my store will be 20% off today. Click on the button to see the other sellers linking up and feel free to join ...


Five for Friday

I'm finally linking up to Doodle Bug's Five for Friday Linky. Yay! I love reading everyone else's, so I'm super happy to finally have some pictures of my week to share! 1. On Monday we had a field trip to the International Game Fishing Association Hall of Fame.  Field ...


Show and Tell Tuesday - Spelling

This week's Show and Tell is a continuation of this weekend's post about how I do spelling in my room. You can check out the first part HERE. Today, I'll continue with some of ways my kids actually work with their words during the week. One of our centers is always spelling. ...


Let's Get Acquainted!

I'm joining up with Latoya at Flying into First Grade for a super cute linky.  You have to share three things you like using your initials. So, first is D for my first name. That one was a no-brainer.  D is for Drinking Coffee If it's hot, then it has to be dark ...


Spelling In My Room

At my school, we don't have a spelling curriculum, per se. As a gifted teacher, I don't use the basal which is where the rest of the team gets their spelling lists. Over the years, I've tried a few different spelling programs and I've never loved one enough to stick with it. I've ...

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