Football Fun and a Freebie

I'm not much of a football fan, but even I get excited for the big game! Ok, it's mostly for the commercial and the snacks, but still.  Even if I'm not all about it, my kids always are, so I created this fun pack that's perfect to use right about now! This has been in my ...


Arctic Animal Giveaway!

So, chances are you're freezing your tushie off right about now. Things are even cold down here in the Sunshine State - well, by our standards anyway. It's been in the 50's! So what better time to study some polar animals? I'm getting together with one of my blog bff's, Megan from ...


Big News!

So...look around. See anything different - like EVERYTHING maybe? I've had the same basic design since I started blogging a little over three years ago and although I liked it, it was just time for a change. So I turned to Michelle at 3AM Designs because I had been watching her ...


DIY Story Stones

Welcome to the Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores #teachcreativity Blog Hop! I'm so excited to partner with Jo-Ann and the other fabulous blog hosts to bring you some ways to spark creativity in your classroom. Anyone have a few reluctant writers in their class? I bet the answer to ...


Impromtu Inference Lesson

You know how sometimes the best, most meaningful lessons just kind of happen in one of those "teachable moments"? I totally had one of those moments this week. Going back after winter break, I knew we were going to tackle inferencing, but my plans were, um... let's say sketchy. ...


Win my Polar Pals Centers!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Thank you so much to everyone who linked up to our last My Truth Monday! It was really motivating and inspiring to read all of your One Little Words. I've never approached a resolution this way, but so far, I really do like it! It's hard to believe ...

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