February Facts & Fun Freebie!

Well this week was CrAzY! It went something like this: Day off, meeting, bad news, migraine, meeting, good news, teach one day, migraine, teach half a day, fun luncheon, painful massage, great news, planning day, sucky news, great date night with hubs. And now you're up to speed. Sound familiar to any of you? In reality, this is just kind of normal life, right? It just seemed to be a little more magnified than usual. Fortunately, the good news seriously outweighed all the bad news and the migraine is gone (for now, shh...I don't want him to find me!)

In between all the save the drama for your mama moments, I did manage to make a fun freebie to share with you! Honestly, that's kind of my therapy. When I can sit down at my trusty mac and play with fonts and graphics and think about holidays and fun stuff to do with the kids...all the stress of the day seems to disappear. I made cards like this back in October and they were a big hit, so I decided to make another set.

These are just fun little cards that have facts about different events in February and then pose a question. I like to hole punch these and put them on a ring. Then if I have a few extra minutes to fill, I grab the ring and read a card for a quick discussion. It never fails that a kid will ask if they can take the ring and read it to themselves & of course they can! I try to remember those kids and then ask them if they'd like to be the teacher and read a card to the class - talk about giving a kid an ego boost!

Just click on the picture above to download your set free from TpT or from GoogleDocs {HERE} Enjoy!

In other kind of exciting news, I'm starting a newsletter! It's something I've wanted to do for a super long time. If you subscribe by adding your email address to the sign up box below, you'll receive the Sunny Side Up newsletter once a month. (Is the title too corny?). In the newsletter I'll include tips and ideas and (here's the exciting part...) a freebie that will be offered exclusively to newsletter subscribers!

I'm using a great service that will not fill up your inbox with junk and I promise to send just one newsletter a month. Well, unless something super fun and exciting pops up and I just have to, have to, have to tell you right away! And P.S. I'm not 100% sure about the Sunny Side Up name...feel free to leave me a comment with your thoughts. If you have a better suggestion and I pick yours, I'll thank you with a free item of your choice from my TpT store!

See you soon, my friends!


  1. Thanks for fact cards! They'll be perfect for my class' brain breaks, their favorite is would you rather and they LOVE learning fun facts!
    Stories From Second

  2. Those cards are super cute! And...I signed up for your newsletter. What a fun idea!

    Fun In First

  3. Fact cards are adorable! I feel your week!! Love the title and signed up my Florida neighbor:)))

    4th Grade Frolics

  4. I love the fact cards! They are a perfect extra for my enrichment time- thanks! As for your week...I feel ya. I hope next week is better for you!

    Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives

    P.S.- I think your newsletter name is great!! I just signed up. :)

  5. I think Sunny Side Up is adorable!

  6. Thanks for the fact cards...they will be perfect in my Lightbulb Lab! I like the title of the newsletter, I'm signed up :)

    Lisa :)
    Made In The Shade In Second Grade

  7. Thanks for this fabulous freebie. I signed up for your newsletter...I am excited!! :)

  8. Thanks for the freebie! I also signed up for your newsletter. Can't wait to get it! I like the name too:)!


  9. I like corny and the name of the newsletter. I'm signed up. Thanks for the freebie.

    2B Honey Bunch
    The Best Endings

  10. Love the name!
    Thanks for the freebie!
    I'm all signed up.
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  11. I love that name, and am excited to receive your newsletters!

  12. Love the shaker idea! Going to go check for rice in my pantry as soon as I finish this comment. I clicked on your blog because of the tag line...veteran teacher, determined to be positive, and current! I am of the same mindset. THANKS! I subscribed to email, newsletter, and will follow...I'll be back.

  13. thanks for the freebie! and I like the corny name :)
    I'm all signed up!
    The Teachers’ Cauldron

  14. YAY for the newsletter, and the name is very cute!!! I'm all signed up, and thanks for sharing such awesome ideas!

    Primary Punch

  15. They are very cute, Denise! Full of great ideas.

    I can tell you what it would be like if it were freezing cold in July...

    It would be like being in Australia ;-)

    I hope your headache is gone for good..

    The Learning Curve

  16. Heck, yeah you can have my email! I would love to keep up with your cool ideas through a newsletter. You're pure dead brilliant!
    Thanks for being so creative... and awesome.

  17. Don't you dare change the name of your newsletter, it goes perfectly with your blog :) Can't wait to get the first issue!! Thanks for being awesome :)

    Following Optimism

  18. I am all signed up!

    And I laughed out loud at the end of your comment on my blog...move your clip!

  19. Thank you for the freebie! I signed up for your newsletter. Love the name, too; but was thinking since it was a "news"letter, how about a take on the "Extra Extra, Read All About It" newspaper saying. And to tie in with your egg theme, you could change it to "Eggs-tra, Eggs-tra..." just a thought..


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