Tasty Tuesday Giveaway!

I should totally be doing lesson plans or some such teachery-thing, but yet here I am blogging. This is after I spent a while Pintrest-ing (is that a word yet?). I seriously still feel like I'm just treading water as we start to wrap up our second week of school. I think next year ...


I'm Blog Hoppin'!

I am so super excited to tell you all that I'm now officially Blog Hoppin'!  I know, we're all blog hoppers, but this is the real deal! I'm now a contributing author over at: For real! The other amazing authors there include the fab Deanna Jump, Babbling Abby, Cara Carroll, ...


From Scrapook to Lapbook

If you are the least bit crafty or love to scrapbook, have I got the classroom project for you! I apologize in advance for the addiction I'm about to introduce you to, but this is too good not to share. When I first got married, I scrapbooked my heart out. 12 years later, I'm not ...


Incredible Ideas Contest

Are you on the prowl for an incredible idea? Perhaps you are looking for that next great idea for encouraging creativity in your classroom, or for how to implement cooperative learning. Maybe you are looking for great ideas for "ice breakers" or building classroom community. Well, ...


Spelling Star Freebie

I am on the fence about old fashioned spelling lists. I actually wish I could do away with them in favor of a more integrated phonics based approach to teaching spelling. I keep my spelling lists phonetic for the most part and I incorporate them into our word work centers, but it ...


Welcome to the Boehm Depot!

Inspiration can strike in the strangest place, like Home Depot for instance. I'm not always a huge fan this "stinky boy store" as I affectionately call it (Sears earns this distinction too. I don't really love smelling tires while shopping for some new clothes). Mostly because a ...


Five (More) Favorite Books

I've said before that I love picture books. They are so seriously under rated by many who dismiss them as kids books. The first time I shared five of my favorites, I had lots of great feedback. I L-O-V-E that many of you were as enamored as I was! Today I'm sharing 5 more favorites. ...


Crate Seats & a New Friend!

You know who's awesome? Debi over at Just4Teachers: Sharing Across Borders! I met Debi online this summer and it turns out she teaches in the same city at me! She's my room twin too - our school buildings are the same design and we've been comparing progress all summer. Well, Debi ...


Setting up for 2011 - day 3

*If you're here from the Curls and a Smile linky, be sure to see Day 1 and Day 2 also!* Yesterday's blog post was brought to you by the letter M for Mess. Well, M decided to hang around for today as well. The day started with a migraine and ended with a miracle. The migraine delayed ...


Red, White and Blue - Very Special Book Review & Giveaway!

I can get lost in a children’s picture book. I always take time to point out interesting effects the artists may have used when illustrating the story while I read to my students. There can be such power, beauty and often even another story woven into the details of the pictures. ...


Setting up for 2011 - day 2

Today's post is brought to you by the letter M, for MESS! I actually got a lot accomplished, but it still looks like a disaster area. Library is finished and I cleared enough boxes to open the windows so I was happy with that alone! I also lowered the back tables so that the computers ...


Setting up for 2011 - day 1

Today was the first day I was allowed back in my room. Was it only two days ago I was floating down the lazy river without a care in the world? This year I moved across the hall to a room with a real Smartboard and WAY better air conditioning (hope I didn't just jinx myself!!). ...


Summer Spell-it!

Wish I was here...still. I spent a glorious day here floating along the lazy river and sipping Pina Coladas...and I was thinking about school?? Yes, I'm that crazy. But I'm betting that most of you are just as crazy as me. I will say that I did get over it and manage to push school ...


Behavior Bingo

Yesterday, I drove the Fun Friday Bus through town and today it's making a stop at the bingo hall. I loved the Fun Friday Bus and I may go back to it in the future, but last summer I created something a bit different which simplified things. Behold~Behavior Bingo! This little ...

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