Brain Builders

Even though I teach a self-contained gifted class, I have a wide range of abilities in my room. I'm sure that most of you do as well. Besides a wide range of abilities, I have students who finish things at very different times. One of the ways I've found to be sure that the fast ...


Shakin' Things up Again!

Just poppin in for a quick minute to share my latest Shaker! If you've just joined us recently, take a gander at this post about my Synonym Shaker. <--That post will explain the project a little more in depth including how to dye the rice, which I find to be very cool! The ...


Word Wizard

I am so excited to finally share my latest work of heart with you. I've been using these activities with my class for the last couple of years and I finally polished them up enough to share with you! I call them Weekly Word Wizards (well, now I do. I found a cute wizard graphic ...


Pumpkins With Character

Today was so great. I saw a different side of my kids today and it was amazing. We took this afternoon to make our pumpkin storybook character AND we also squeezed in our October Tasty Tuesday recipe. It was crazy, busy, messy and incredible. We decided to make The Tin Man from ...


What a Wicked Web We Weave!

It was a little hard to come up with a door for our Just Say No decorating contest this year.  Inspiration was just escaping me! It just happens sometimes, ya know? This was quite a contrast from my mummy door a few years ago. So, what did I do? Hop on Pinterest of course! ...


Creepy Contractons

Hey Friends! It finally feels a little like fall here in South Florida! We had just about a straight week of rain, but then we were left with the most perfect weather ever! It's in the high 70's during the day and the 60's at night. It's actually pretty hysterical to see some of ...


Halloween Linky!

Hey Friends! Just popping in for a sec to let you know about a great link-up for Halloween ideas. If you're looking for some fun stuff to fill the next couple of weeks, check out some of these great links below. Feel free to add your own! ...


Spooky Sorting

Hey Friends! Halloween frenzy is in full force in room 852. I can't complain though, because I totally started it. I feel pretty fortunate because our district and especially our school has a pretty lax policy about Halloween displays and candy consumption (I'm enjoying it for now, ...


Classroom Freebies (and a freebie!)

Boo! It's getting close to Halloween, but I've got something to share that's actually not so scary at all. It's a fantastic new collaborative blog called ClassroomFreebies.com. Over 60 of the best bloggers have joined together to present you with a constant stream of free downloads ...



I think Ashton Kutcher put it best when he tweeted 'I never thought I could be so busted up about the loss of someone I never met.'. That's pretty much exactly how I feel. I remember taking a computer class in high school. There were about 10 computers in the room, all pushed ...

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