Scent-sational team gift idea!

Right about now I should be in the middle of literacy block, but instead, I'm in my living room having a late breakfast and my 5th cup of coffee thanks to Tropical Storm Isaac. It's a snow day equivalent for us Floridians. Here's a glimpse of what's happening in my backyard... The ...


Common Core Kickin' Combo Giveaway!

Calling all second grade teachers!  Do you want some "Kickin" Common Core resources to help you start this school year? Then this is the giveaway for you! Saddle up and join in the fun with our ...Common Core Kickin' Combo Giveaway!  I am thrilled to partner ...


Classroom Jobs Made Easy

For the first 15 years or so of my teaching career (which makes me sound older than dirt!) I chose and displayed classroom jobs the traditional way. I had the requisite door holder, line leader, paper passer, etc. This works. It worked for me, kinda, for many moons. Over the years ...


Barnyard Buzzers!

One of the  many fabulous perks of blogging is being asked to review and give away educational products from time to time. I only accept reviews for products that I think real teachers will be able to use and from companies that allow me to share with my readers. I'm picky ...


First Day Fun!

Today was the first day with my new nuggets. Man, they are cute! I think this might be one of those groups I just super fall in love with. Of course, this was just day one, so we'll re-evaluate after the honeymoon phase is over. I do tend to fall in love fast and hard, but usually ...


Classroom Tour 2012

Welcome to my 2012 classroom! It will probably never look this neat and organized again, so let's enjoy it now, shall we? My room is on the small side, but I'm pretty happy with this year's arrangement. It still feels kind of open and spacious even with so much stuff stuffed in ...

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