Welcome to Winter!

I know some of you have been buried under snow already, which I can not even imagine! Down here we've had a few really nice chilly days in the 50's and we're loving it! Cool, crisp days like that make it a lot easier to get into the holiday spirit! I've been into Christmas since ...


Big Update to November Pack!

I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving is next week. I need to go buy my bird. Last year I kind of forgot to take my frozen turkey out of the freezer until the day before Thanksgiving. That really was nothing compared to some of my other holiday disasters. If you want a pretty comprehensive ...


Bright Ideas Round-up!

It's been almost a year since the Bright Ideas link up started and in that time thousands of great classroom tips and tricks have been shared by some of the best bloggers I know. I joined the party a bit late, but it's quickly become one of my favorite blog posts and I so look ...


Rigor: The Buzzword worth the Buzz

I know you're tired of hearing the word rigor. I am too, trust me. But I had a bit of a lightbulb moment in my classroom  the other day and all of a sudden I just kind of "got it". So far this year my word work rotation has been pretty much what you what you would imagine ...


Super Student Display Idea

Happy Saturday, my friends! Just popping in to share an idea I posed over on Owl-ways Be Inspired. My fellow owls and I blog about fun ideas for first, second, and third grade. Today I posed about the project below including helpful links and a freebie.  Pop over and ...


Informational Text Turkey Craftivity

This idea has been rolling around in my brain for a couple of years. There are probably a billion unfinished ideas rolling around up there, for real. I finally sat down and brought this one to reality and it feels so good! This circle turkey book doubles as a great reading ...


Halloween Happenings

Halloween on a Friday? Yes, Please! Can we arrange the calendar so that happens forever? k, thanks. We have a lot of fun on Halloween. I kind of give in on this day. I mean, how much are we going to learn when we're draped in Christmas lights and superhero capes?  One ...

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