Bright Ideas Round-up!

It's been almost a year since the Bright Ideas link up started and in that time thousands of great classroom tips and tricks have been shared by some of the best bloggers I know. I joined the party a bit late, but it's quickly become one of my favorite blog posts and I so look forward to it every month.

The month we're all taking time to look back at the ideas we shared since the start in a special Bright Ideas Round-up. What a great way to catch up on any ideas that you might have missed!

Click on any of the pictures below to read more about each idea.

In this post, I shared an idea for quick morning messages I use to greet my kids each day:

I found a way to use up some extra math manipulatives in this post:

This one was my favorite. I blogged about using your current class to welcome you new students:
 And finally, this post has bunches of ideas for task card use and storage:

Below you will find links to the rest of the Bright Idea Crew who are also highlighting their posts for you. So grab a cup of coffee and settle in for some inspiration!

More Bright Ideas:

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. How does it work? I see this all the time, but I don't understand how to join in or if it's an exclusive blog hop...

    Teaching In A Nutshell

  2. The task card storage is great! I will be going to the dollar store soon!

    Lessons With Coffee 


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