EZ Prep Centers

{For effect, please read the following in your best infomercial announcer voice}

Are you tired of spending hours laminating and cutting materials for centers? Have you gone through endless reams of card stock and too many ink cartridges to count? (you're doing the voice, aren't you? good. Keep going. And imagine a very exasperated teacher blowing her hair out of her eyes)

Do your children run in the opposite direction when you enter the room with arm loads of lamination that needs to be cut? Are you constantly struggling to find the right organizational system to keep track of little cards, stamps, manipulatives, baskets, buckets and envelopes you need to keep your materials together? (Now imagine a very harried looking teacher surrounded by game pieces, various baskets, bags, envelopes, etc. who looks at you and says "There's got to be a better way!")

Ok, before you change the channel. I'll get to the point ;) After spending about 2 hours printing, cutting laminating and sorting things for the upcoming week, I honestly started to think there has got to be a better way! Now at the same time,  I've been mulling over the fact that we were recently told by a common core implementation team that we need to bump up the rigor of our independent centers. I honestly can't argue with them there.

So true story, later that night while in the shower, inspiration struck me like a thunderbolt! I think I figured out a way to make at least some of my centers easier to prep while providing both rigor and engaging activities for the kids. I'm calling them EZ Prep See-it Centers. EZ Prep for you, See-it for the kids. All you have to do is print out ONE page for the center and and answer sheet for the kids - and done! This is from the preview, it explains the whole idea. You can download the preview here.
I started off with 2 centers that are fun for this point in the year, beach and camping. Each one has a language arts and math activity page to go along with the picture. So, it's a total of 4 centers that you can have prepped in a matter of minutes! My plan is to make two more for each month/season. If you have any suggestions for themes, I'd love to hear them!

Hope you dig this idea as much as I do. I'd love to know what you think!


  1. Love your infomercial! And I love this idea!! I'd love to talk to you about 4th grade ideas... :) :) Maybe we could collaborate somehow...
    ideas by jivey
    Follow Me On Facebook! :)

  2. I love it!! I purchased it already, and I know this is perfect! This will be great to use in the classroom! Maybe some school ones--classroom and playground, holiday ones, so many ways to do this. Thanks!

  3. This is such a great idea! When I was student teaching I often spent time cutting out little laminated pieces. Quick question though. I work with a lot of African American ans Hispanic students. Is there any way I could have the see it centers more geared to minorities?
    Sweet Tea and Second Grade

  4. ABSOLUTELY LOVE these!!!!!! Fantastic!

  5. I can see myself spending a bit of money here. This is a GREAT idea! Back to school themes and then following monthly ideas could be easy? Halloween/Fall pictures would be fun to make. I can see a LOT of people supporting you in the See It Centers! Looks like you are in for a BUSY summer! Good Luck ;)

  6. I can't wait to use these with my 3rd graders!! Very original and creative...as always!! Love it!
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

  7. I love this idea! I think that these will be perfect for this time of year, and would love to see them with other themes as well:) This will be useful for the end of the year too when I have to pack up my classroom. Thanks!
    Primary Classrooms are Oceans of Fun

  8. Love it! Added to my wish list so as soon as I have some money I will be purchasing it!

  9. this is so brilliant and I can't wait to make them Monday... the best part is, it will take me all of, oh, 5 minutes and my centers will be READY! I think when the entire set is complete, I may spiral bind them and have a fast-finisher booklet for my kids to use when they finish everything early. I was wondering if you were going to make more, so I can't wait to see what else you come up with!!

  10. I love this idea! I did a similar activity that I call Math Island! My kids go crazy over it everytime I put it out. I have students create their own pics as well. Heading over to get this!! Thanks

  11. Love this idea! I put it on my wishlist already.

  12. I love it! Our chapter openers are very similar to this and the kids really like it!

    Crystal Shepherd
    The lamppost in 1st grade math

  13. What a super creative way to really get them thinking! I'm already heading over to put them on my wishlist. I have done something similar with my science units. Love! ~ Lisa

  14. I A B S O L U T E L Y LOVE this!!!

  15. Denise--

    Great ideas! I too have modified many of my centers for easy preparation. It is a process... :0) Thanks so much for creating something that will work well for my kids, and I am sure MANY others. I have used many pictures in math, but I never thought about putting them into a center format with multiple ways to respond/think about them. I am going to head on over to pick up a copy and will post this on my blog as a new find! :0)

    Thanks so much!

    Have a great week--
    Sarah @ Hoots N Hollers

  16. Your creative brain amazes me!!! I love these. I don't enjoy all the cutting, printing, prepping, laminating, etc. of centers. So what a great concept!

  17. Denise, I love..love...love this! I am out of storage space for center stuff! Cant wait to try these! PS: I'm your newest follower! Love your blog!

  18. I love this!!! I always try to do different things especially using visuals so this is perfect!! I like the connections being made while working on this as well!!


  19. Love it!!! Love it!!! Love it!!! Did I say I love it??? Please continue making these!!

  20. pure brilliance! Had to purchase this right away! love that it is so easy to prepare ...combines math and lang arts ...so different from other centers (students love variety)!
    LOVE, LOVE it and can't wait to see more!
    I love seeing what you come up with next. I have the weekly math magic and word magic and all your BUMP games ...and so much more!

  21. pure brilliance! Had to purchase this right away! love that it is so easy to prepare ...combines math and lang arts ...so different from other centers (students love variety)!
    LOVE, LOVE it and can't wait to see more!
    I love seeing what you come up with next. I have the weekly math magic and word magic and all your BUMP games ...and so much more!


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