NeatSeat Review and Giveaway!

Some of you may remember that I switched from desks to group tables.
You can read more about my classroom reveal here.

It's something I've been wanting to do forever and I love it! Of course, there were definitely challenges to overcome with the switch. One of my biggest concerns was how to give the kids some sense of personal space when they'd be sharing just about everything as a table. So, the first thing that came to mind was seat sacks. I researched like a loon until finally settling on some that were handmade by a seller on ETSY. They were the most affordable option I found and they seemed like they'd do the trick. While I was mostly pleased with them, I didn't love them like I wanted to.

For one, I ordered black to hide the wear and tear and the seams were very visible and sewn with white thread, which really irked me. I also had to order them based on the seat size. I ordered the correct size according to the seller's recommendations, but they are definitely too big because the edges fold over and they slide around the back of the seat. But my biggest issue is that they really hang open quite a bit when you start to fill them up. I had to resort to keeping most things like clipboards and pencil cases in the crate at each table, which is kind of a hassle.

So, when I was contacted by EAI Education about reviewing a product, it took me about seventeen seconds to try the NeatSeat Organizers! I have no idea how I didn't see these when I was looking around this summer. I can only guess my superior Googling skills must have been on the fritz.

I was initially attracted to them because of the fact that they have a top flap with a velcro closure to minimize hang and droop. I also really appreciated the way they attach to the chairs with adjustable straps so I didn't have to guess which size to order. I strapped them on as soon as I unwrapped them and was immediately impressed with the quality and design. In fact, my room mother was there as I was unpacking and she was just as impressed as I was.
Look how thin they are from the side!

I also LOVE the mesh pockets for keeping their lanyard, crayons and
other things we need to access quickly.

I was a little worried that the buckles used to adjust the straps would bother the kids when they sat with their back pressed to the chair. But not one of the kids has complained and when I tried it out myself I didn't feel the buckles either.

Here are some side by side comparisons:

I also really love the plastic sleeve so I can slip out the NeatSeat sign and add my kids' names. The NeatSeat also has a divider inside which I think helps with bulkiness since everything is not falling into the exact same spot. And can you even believe that they are less expensive than the ones I ordered?

So, I'm sold. In fact, I've ordered enough for the rest of my class. I've been using them for about two weeks and I'm still as impressed as I was from the start. I can't wait to get the rest of them because I can't even tell you how many times a day my shirt catches on the things that are exposed and hanging out of the other seat sacks. I didn't think I would like the assorted colors, but now I'm looking forward to them. What a great way to call the kids by groups to line up, get supplies, or come to help me present a concept when I need volunteers.l I can call all the blue seats, or orange seats, etc. I'm also thinking of perhaps putting all of one color at one table and then naming the tables by color. I'm still thinking that one over.

Ready for the really good news? I get to give away a set of four to one of you! If you're wondering what to do with just four, I've got some ideas for you. How about placing one on a chair at a center or shared workstation to hold the activities, games, or supplies necessary for that center? You can use them at your computer center and put recent read alouds in the pockets for students to use when taking an AR test. Maybe give one to your students of the week to use as a special little perk. You could also set up a seat for volunteers who come to your room to work with students or do tasks for you. Just fill up the sack with supplies for them!

The rules for entry are super duper easy. The only mandatory entry is to leave a comment on this blog post to tell me what you think of the NeatSeat Organizers. You also must enter using the Rafflecopter widget below because that's how I will choose and contact the winner. You'll see some other optional entries there which are not required to win. EAI has also graciously supplied a free shipping promo code that is good for purchases of $25 or more through the end of the year: SSDFS2013

Good luck my friends!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. These look great! The buckles look like they really keep them in place. Kids always need extra space so these would be perfect!
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

  2. I have the ones from Really Good Stuff, but I think I like these better. :)

  3. These look great...I've been wondering about getting some for my kinder class.


  4. They look really nice and I would like to use them for their journals and some supplies. Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  5. These are cool! I love the idea of using them for centers too! Thanks for an awesome giveaway :)

  6. These look fantastic! I would love to give them a try. Thanks so much for the opportunity!


  7. Those seat sack look interesting. I've never heard of them.

  8. I really like these...I love the colors, and I'm pretty sure they're the most affordable ones I've seen! Thanks for the giveaway!

    - Sarah Beth
    Miss White's Classroom

  9. What a great giveaway! These chair pockets look amazing! I think I would use them at my guided reading table to store books and extra supplies.

    The Learning Lodge

  10. I have never tried seat sacks before, but I have some kiddos that just can't handle desk organization. This might be the trick for organizing those that need their desk turned around.

  11. These look great! Would love to have some for my classroom!

  12. I've used tables for years and much prefer them over desks.These chair pockets are a great problem solver!

  13. Awesome post! These were actually new to me this year when I saw them in another classroom. I hadn't even thought about the different kinds of chair packs there are. Love it! They look great!

    Rooting for Third Grade

  14. I have the ones from Really Good Stuff and they have the droop also. These look great and I would love to win them.

  15. these are great - I hope that some school districts pick these up. Would be great for year round schools that are forced to move classrooms

  16. I must say that they look "neat"! I like the idea of having things organized versus all over the place.

  17. I also have been looking for this kind of product. My classroom is so crowded, that every inch of space counts. Bulky will not work for us. These look fantastic!

  18. These look amazing! I've been wanting to get some seat pockets, but everything I looked at seemed just not right, but I'm really liking what I'm seeing in your pictures! I'd love to try them out and see how they work!

  19. They look wonderful. They would be excellent in our 5th grade classrooms as we team teach 54 students.

  20. Thank you for the honest review. You have answered any questions I might have had about these neat seats. I would love to have a set for my classroom.

  21. These look great! Awesome ideas on ways to use just the set of four! I'd love to try them in my room!

  22. I'm in love! Amazing. I've been coveting these for two years now. :)

  23. I made my own chair pockets several years ago and had the same problems you did. I really love these Neat Seats

  24. Love this idea. Their desks are always overflowing...I would love to win them!!

  25. Thank you for this review! I've been wanting some myself but only liked the way the others looked when they were empty. Your review was extremely helpful to me. Have a great school year!
    Hopelessly Devoted to Teaching

  26. I love your review! I can't believe how thin the NeatSeat looks when you have so many things inside. It looks like it cuts down on clutter.

  27. Love these! It was great to see your review.

  28. I have never seen seat pockets like these - very nice!

  29. What a genius idea!!! These look SO much better than the other ones!!! I'm hoping to win, but if not - these are a definite purchase! :)


  30. I had some from Really Good Stuff and while I had to keep repairing them, they lasted a while. I would like somethng that closes so when people brush by, everything doesn't fall out. These look great!

  31. I've. Used some made by a local lady. They were made from vinyl. They worked well for a while, but some kids are just very rough on things. Yours look so much better and durable.

  32. The neat seats are really cool! :)

  33. Love them! I thought about buying some from Etsy, I'm so glad I saw your post!

  34. These look awesome! My kids also sit in table groups and I have looked everywhere for nice seat organizers- I've got to check them out!

  35. I am anxious to try some out. We are also using tables and it is hard to organize stuff for them individually!

  36. These are fabulous! They look like they are a really great quality item!

  37. These look like such great quality! I'd love to win them! :)

  38. Wow! These look fantastic! I teach in a small group setting with tables, not desks, and supply management can be a hassle in my small room. I could definitely put these to good use!

  39. I'm using book covers to hold dry erase boards and markers and such at our guided reading center. I'd love to have something a little better as one of the book covers is already ripping. One concern I have though is that my chairs aren't shaped like that. The tops are just round, slick ovals. Do you think they'd work?

  40. Love the adjustable straps! I have several kiddos who just are not ready for the responsibility of a desk yet. These could be my saving grace!!

  41. I want to go back to tables. these would be great!

  42. I think Neat Seats are awesome! I wish I had them for my classroom. They are great for students to have their own personal space.

  43. I love that these close so nothing falls out! I would definitely use these at my guided reading table so it would free up tabletop space! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the "other" ones - that was a disappointing waste of money!
    Natalies Nook

  44. These look great. I have been looking into seat sacks for years but never went with any due to costs. This year 29 large 5th graders (half the size of middle schoolers) has me looking for storage to keep the room as clutter free as possible so we have room to move around. These look like something to research into more.

  45. These look great and I love your idea for how to use just 4 when there are more kids in class. I didn't see the price if we were to purchase, in case I don't win! Thanks for the review.

  46. Wow! These look great! Would love to win some for my Grade 2 friends!

  47. What a fantastic product! It really does live up to it's name.

  48. These are so fancy! I hated that my seat sacks drooped so much and they hung almost to the ground on some of my teeny tiny chairs. I would LOVE to have these!

    The Littlest Scholars

  49. I need these!! My students have such a hard time keeping things within reach but yet out of the way! My high school students with multiple disabilities would love them!

  50. I absolutely love them - is what I think about these. I wanted to switch to tables this school year, but didn't have a system that could work nor the funds to make it happen. If I won these I'd be ONE happy, happy, HAPPY lady!!!!!!!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  51. I've used chair pockets for 3 years and am in the market for new ones! These look like a quality purchase. Thanks for doing the research! Saved me lots of time.

  52. I would love these!! I have 30 kiddos, and we have nowhere to store our stuff, let alone backpacks. It is a mess and I love how they buckle on:)

  53. I have the old ones and have thought for years the "sagging" was a problem...I absolutely love the new ones. I am glad to hear the straps don't bother the children's backs!

  54. They look pretty awesome and what a great way for things to be neat and organized.

  55. These look amazing! They are exactly what I need in my classroom this year. My fingers and toes are extra crossed for this!!!

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
    The Price of Teaching

  56. Oh I would LOVE these! I searched high and low for something like this over the summer, but missed this as well! I have new desks this year, but the desk space is not all that great! We REALLY need something like this!

    Thanks for the chance to win some!

  57. These look amazing, tidy and durable. They would be perfect for holding center supplies.

  58. I am so lucky my dear mother machine sewed me chair pockets when I started teaching Kindergarten three years ago. They work well but don't have all the nifty extra pockets that these do. I would love this set for around my guided reading table. Just a quick question, though, how do you handle stacking chairs at the end of the day so the custodians can sweep and mop the floor? So far I have my students take them off and put them inside their desks each afternoon. The chair pockets house their folders (daily warm-ups and monthly math workbooks) so the only thing inside the desks are textbooks and journals.

  59. These are so interesting. One question--how do you think cleaning these seat pockets would work? That's why I originally abandoned seat pockets. Because there wasn't really a good way to clean them and they would inevitably attract pencil sharpenings, crayon wrappers, etc.

  60. I love the colors and the pockets! What a great way to organize!

  61. THese look awesome. The seat pockets I am using now lets items stick out and several have been torn.

  62. I have been considering getting some seat pockets but have not because of the price. I was also concerned if they were really worth it or one of the many things that look cute and practical and end up in my cabinet because they don't really have any usefulness

  63. These are great! I have been looking for a way to get storage for my students without loosing out on too much class time!

    Owl Be in Kindergarten

  64. I think these would be a great way for students to hold on their work during the day as well as storing writing folders to avoid the dash to the back shelves of the room!

  65. Wow -these look like a way better option than my cheap home made ones!

  66. These look great! I can always use organizing help!!

  67. I will be switching to tables from desks soon and these would be great! Thanks for the chance to win :)

  68. How cool! I love that we teachers can NEVERhave enough storage!!! Fingers crossed!

  69. I've been using the stretchy book covers from Target as a seet pouch. But, they keep falling off, This look likes a good, although more expensive alternative.

  70. If my school can get enough tables on hand, I plan on switching to tables. I think this would do great to help the children stay organized and keep track of their own personal supplies.

  71. I love the fact that these buckle!! They would fit nice & tight on my chairs rather than my loose ones & I can't stand the look of supplies hanging out! They're like little seat bookbags!!

  72. Looks like a super isolution. Thanks

  73. I have had tables for more than 15 years and love them! These are the best seats I've seen!

  74. I just switched from SPED to Second grade this year, and tried to bring in as many tables as I could fit into my tiny classroom. I inherited "Seat Sacks" from the teacher before me, and am having the same droopy problem! I would love to have some of the NeatSeats!

  75. Love the structure and design of them! I can totally see these in my classroom!

  76. These are perfect! I can't stand the students using their backpacks to hold all of their necessary class supplies. These are definitely a better a solution. Clean, sleek, and super cute!

  77. Thanks for the giveaway! I want to get rid of my desks and do some alternative seating options, but am concern about where students will keep their notebooks. This is the perfect solution!

  78. These would be so cool for my 5th grade classroom. 5th graders always have storage issues with all the BIG textbooks, workbooks and compositions books that need to be kept in their desks. A little extra room would be great!

  79. I plan on telling my principal on Monday about them. The company we used to order our chair packs from went out of business. These look so wonderful!

  80. These look great to keep everyone organized. Thanks!

  81. I have been looking for something like this for my students!! They are in table groups and have cubbies but I have 30 students and only 25 cubbies so students have to share. Having the essential stuff at their seats but not stacked at the table would be very helpful!

  82. I love the idea of using the four at stations to hold all the supplies needed. I have 4 tables in my room that are dedicated to just stations so they would be perfect. Thanks for sharing.

  83. I really like the looks of them and how they work. Just wondering how they would work if your seats didn't have the open areas at the back that yours do though. Love them anyways and where have they been hiding?

  84. I'm still trying to find a good way to organize my students' things. Tables are such a hard area to work with because there isn't enough room to keep everything on the table and getting up and down between every transition seems like such a time waster. I'd love to use these to keep my students organized

  85. Those look terrific! The flap would also make it harder for sticky fingers to snatch things. I really like the way it attches to the chair, it just looks so much more durable.
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

  86. Those look fabulous! They look very tidy and so much like a slim back pack that kids should love them and be able to keep them organized!

  87. They look awesome! My students' chairbacks look like your old ones. I'm always afraid something is going to fall out.
    Sparkle of Inspiration

  88. I have some from Really Good Stuff and they are finally starting to fall apart after many, many years. I really like the way the Neat Seat's look.

  89. I love that these buckle to the seat and I feel like they look more appealing to upper elementary students. My students were appalled at first when they saw the ones I have because to them "that's for the little kids". These would be awesome to have!

    Stephanie B

  90. Great organization! Would love this!

  91. Neatseats are awesome! They look so durable and are so nice looking!

  92. These look great! I love that they don't "hang open!"

  93. I have something similar for my special needs classroom. My students love these and they help them stay organized! Would love to try out this brand!

  94. This look great! I have been wanting to buy some, but you know that the piggy bank goes so far with school items. Thanks for this great review.

  95. These look better than any that I have seen. I love the purple.

  96. They look great. I would love to have some for my room. Thanks for the review!

  97. We have some home made version , would love to try the Neat Seat!

  98. These are great! I am just starting out and I was planning on making some - these would be so much better!

  99. These really look amazing. The ones I have were made by a parent a million years ago and really need to be replaced!

  100. I really like these seat sacks! They look durable and easy to wipe off. I love the adjustable straps, the fold over flap, and the extra pockets!! It can be so difficult to help the young ones organize their things when they are at tables rather than desks. Thanks for sharing this opportunity!

  101. These look like a great way to organize student materials.

  102. I think that these are so nice. I love that you can hide away thing but still have quick access for those frequently used items.

  103. These are so cute - they look like mini backpacks! Would love to win!

  104. I love seat pockets. They have changed my life

  105. I like the look of the seat pockets.

  106. These are amazing! I sure hope I win:)

  107. I love these, and need to win these for my students this year.

  108. I am using other seat sack and they are not working out well. These look great!

  109. I used to use old ones that I had sewn myself (like you, it was the cheapest option at the time). I have since had my hubby build cubbies which helps. However, my students are once again at desks and I would love to move to tables. This product would help:)

  110. I would LOVE to get these! I've been looking at these, as well, but not THESE exact ones. I love the! What a great product!

  111. I too have looked at scowered everywhere for a good quality seat sack that wont break the bank. These look great!!!

  112. WOW! I have handmade ones too. I would love these for the same reasons! I get tired of getting caught on the spiral metal spirals.

  113. I love them! They would help straighten up our desks so much!

  114. These would definitely help organize my students!

  115. I'm all about organization and these look terrific!

  116. These would help with organization big time!!

  117. These look great! I think these look better than many of the other chair pockets that are out there

  118. These look amazing!! I think this would definitely help with organization!

  119. I wish my husband would let me buy 28!

  120. I sew my own chair pockets, but really this one is so cool! Love to try these!

  121. Those pockets are a great idea for keeping things organized and easily accessible.


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