Today...and Tomorrow

Today:We made turkeys out of Ring Dings for Tasty Tuesday this month. (Ok, it's past Thanksgiving and it's technically Wednesday, but these things happen) This recipe (?) varies a bit from the one in my book for a few unimportant reasons, but it ended up super cute and VERY yum! ...


Sunshine on my Shoulders...

Makes me happy...  If you're now singing along in your head. THANK YOU for being old enough to know that song. If not, Google John Denver and try not to laugh. That song was a biggie when I was a little girl. Plus, JD was on Sesame Street a lot and you know I loves me some ...


Five Favorite Books for December! (plus some music too)

I've discussed my need for a picture book 12-step program, but I am not yet ready to admit that I have a problem, so we will proceed with my monthly five favorite book post! Onward to my obsession collection! I'm counting these two as one choice. In my opinion, you can't have ...


Black Friday, Cyber Monday, a Winner and a Freebie!

As you gobble up your turkey day leftovers and think ahead to the holidays, I'm seriously considering checking into a hotel until December 23, or so. Between all the deep cleaning to get ready for Thanksgiving and the cleaning up after Thanksgiving, I don't want to clean another ...


Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, my friends, the time has come to raise the roof and have some fun to give thanks for our blessings and stuff our faces with turkey and pie. And as I am so sure that you've read enough "Things I'm Thankful For" essays from your students, I'll spare you the monotony joy of hearing ...


There's an Elf on my Shelf!

Growing up, we had these elves in our house around Christmastime. To tell you the truth, I always thought they were a little creepy! So a couple of years ago when I saw them in the stores packaged with a book, I was intrigued. The story is that the elf is a scout sent by Santa ...


Gobble Gobble Giveaway

Hey Friends! First of all, I must say I was completely and totally overwhelmed by the response to my Thankful Things writing activity. Guess I'm not only one who was ready to change up that traditional ol' essay! I have to tell you the best part though. Today I got a call from another ...


Thankful Things Writing Activity

Raise your hand if you could live the rest of your life without hearing one more essay about your students being thankful for their family and toys!  Peeps, my hand is WAY up! Now, as sweet and endearing as those writings may be, after 18 years of teaching I'm about over them. ...

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