Book Box Winners & Welcome Back Packs!

So, first things first - the winners of the book box giveaway are... Congrats Julie and Lisa!  Please check your email and respond by Monday or new winners will be chosen. Ok, now on to my Welcome Back Packs. I always like to have a little something on my kids' desks ...


Win a Recycled Book Bead Bracelet!

It's like giveaway days here this week! I have a hard time saying no when fabulous people offer to give cool things to my readers. This fun giveaway is from Kim at Trashy Crafter. I have a soft spot for Etsy crafters because I was once one myself. Long before tpt, I was a serious ...


Win Some Awesome Book Boxes!

Hi. I'm Denise. And I'm a contain-aholic. For serious. I have more containers, bins, boxes, and baskets than I could probably use in two teaching careers. But does that stop me from wanting more? Nope. Can you relate? So when I was asked by Steps to Literacy if I'd like to review ...


Sharing my Long Range Plans

Confession: I've never had a long range plan. Ever. Not ever. For real. Then one day my amazingly talented and uber generous and inspiring friend Amanda Madden from Teaching Maddeness shared hers and a light bulb went off! Here's her post on Long Range Plans. And while you're there, ...


Spelling Homework for Any List for the Entire Year

I've been obsessed with spelling this summer. It's one area of my curriculum that I have never really been fully satisfied with. I put in a crazy amount of time researching and planning out exactly what I wanted to make spelling both meaningful and engaging for my kids, but yet ...


Boggle Your Kids

I used to have a Boggle board up on my classroom wall, ala Pinterest. (Yes, even my elf got involved) But I found that my kids were not always copying the letters correctly and they were really not making words longer than 3 or maybe 4 letters. All in all, it seemed like a ...


Purell 30 Day Challenge!

I always crack up when I see this.  It's funny, because it's true. amiright? I have bottles of "hanitzer" all over my classroom - my desk, the sink, the computer center, small group table, on random counters. I encourage my kids to hang individual bottles on their backpacks ...


FREE Magic Square Puzzles

It's my pleasure to welcome guest blogger Heather from HoJo's Teaching Adventures. She was so sweet to bring a gift too! Enjoy :) FREE Magic Square Puzzles for Your Students It's been nearly two years since I first guest blogged here at Sunny Days in Second Grade to introduce ...


Word Study and Spelling Solution!

Spelling has always been one area of my curriculum that I knew needed to be improved. I've tried just about every published spelling program out there along with my own versions, but there was always something that didn't quite fit for me with all of the different approaches, so ...


Facebook Foodie Hop!

There is a fantastic Facebook Foodie Hop happening right now and you do NOT want to miss out! My friend Tamara from Mrs. Russell's Room organized this hop and invited me to join. When Tamara asks, my answer is always YES! She is ridiculously organized and helpful and just plain ...

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