Coffee Plus Productivity = Coffitivity

Anyone who knows me knows that I loooooves me coffee.  I drink copious amounts of it at home and at school, but getting to actually drink a latte at one of my favorite Starbucks (and yes, I absolutely have my favorites all up and down the state of Florida) is a definite guilty pleasure. I love to sit down in a comfy chair, open my laptop and read blogs or work on projects with the fun little hum of the coffee shop in the background. Most of the time my hubby is there with me or I'm cracking up and making a fool of myself with Gina.

If that sounds good to you, you are going to LOVE this find! It's a website that makes it sound like you're at a coffee shop, when in fact you might be in your classroom after hours or in your living room with a pile of laundry on your pool table reaching epic heights (eek!).

It's called Coffitivity. You just open the site and you're instantly surrounded by the sounds of other people drinking, clinking their plates and chatting in hushed tones! There's some brain research on the site about how their specific blend of sounds aids productivity. I just like it because it sounds like I'm at one of my favorite places! You can even adjust and mix the volume with your own music. Pretty nifty little site for a coffe lovin' computer nerd, such as myself.

Click here to visit the virtual coffe shop. Maybe I'll see you there!


  1. this! I'm definitely going to plug into this while I work on some unfinished projects! Thanks for the share! ;)

  2. Only YOU would find this!! I LOVE it! Now when we aren't hanging and drinking coffee, I can "go" here! I believe the research too! I can not think when it's too quiet. I've always been like that! This is awesome!!
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

  3. This is amazing!! Although I realize I have found myself trying to listen in to some of the conversations going on in the background-- Who knew I was such an eavesdropper? ;) Thanks so much for the recommendation, I'm loving it!!

    3rd Grade Thoughts

  4. This is the BEST thing ever!! So much fun - I need me some coffitivity right about now :)

    Thanks for sharing, Denise!

    T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

  5. That is awesome! Sometimes it's too quite in the house and sometimes the radio is too loud! Amazeballs!

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  6. This is AWESOME!!! I am cracking up right now. :)

  7.!!! The things they think up! I am not a coffee drinker but had to go check it out! Too funny! I do however love to eat sweets! I wonder if there is a virtual sweet shop? Wait, never mind! It grosses me out to hear people chewing their food!

  8. I feel like throwing party at my house and inviting my school buddies to hang out with and drink lots of cold coffee and eating pineapple cakes (that's our favorite).

    Thank you for this lovely blog post.
    Finn Felton
    Kopi Luwak

  9. Hey Denise!

    I didn't know you were a FL blogger (until I read your post and comment!!) I am not sure if it is too late. Email me ASAP and will give you more details! We are also planning a bloggie meet up for the summer. Would love for your to join! My email is Hear from you soon, girlie!

    The Applicious Teacher


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