Turkey in the Straw, a Game for Indoor Recess or Brain Breaks!

Happy Sunday, my friends! Today I have a fun indoor recess game to share with you. It might also work well as a brain break. I've been playing this for years with my kids but I actually first saw it when a great sub played it with my class. It's called Turkey in the Straw so it's the perfect time of year to try it out!

I think there might be different versions of this game around. I kind of thought everyone knew about it, but I was talking about it to my super adorable friend Caitlin from Kindergarten Smiles and she had never heard of it. We teach at the same school, so I thought if she doesn't know about it and she's in the same building, maybe some of my readers don't know about it either! 

It's fun. The kids dig it. Here's the gist:
We're a very, extra, super, overboard, bordering on paranoia, safety-conscious school (which I'm happy about btw) so when I have the farmer stand outside the classroom door, I also stand at the door holding it open with my farmer standing right outside the door about 6 inches from me. So the farmer is never abandoned in the hallway left to wander aimlessly looking for his wayward turkey. Second grade farmers can be a little loopy and tend to wander. {link to a download of the directions is at the end of the post}

And in new product news, thank you thank you thank you thank you for the great response to my November Homework Helpers pack! I'm so glad you dig it! I had a couple of people ask me if it was possible to remove the word homework so they could use it in the classroom. Not a bad idea! I aim to please, my friends. So in the December version, I added two files. One has the word homework and one file has all references to home removed so it's more classroom friendly, check out the free sample to see the difference.  I'm hoping that these packs will help you take the hassle out of homework and add some fun and meaningful activities for the kids and parents. And if you have to send home a work packet over the holiday break {ouch!} this might do the trick! Now that a second file is included without the homework reference, they'd be a great way to keep your high-flyers challenged. As always, feel free to leave suggestions for future packs. I love making what works for you!


  1. I have heard of a variation of this too, but it is so nice to have a reminder of all of these games. I was just thinking yesterday about all the games we used to play when I was in school like Red Rover and several others I can't seem to remember. It would be fun to do a brain break linky and share all of our best games and brain break ideas. Especially at this time of year with all the craziness of the holidays coming!! We should do it! :)

    Teaching With Hope

  2. When I was kid I like picture home works more than writing. I was crazy about figure game!!

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