BUILDing Math Skills!

Hi Friends, Please enjoy this great guest post from Tessa Maguire. She's got some great ideas for looking at math in a new way! Math.  What do we do about Math?  There are tons of great resources from knowledgeable experts like Fountas & Pinnell, Richard Allington, ...


Jellybeans, Cartwheels and Peppers

Sometimes I watch kids and they just seem so...well, I guess fearless is the word. I watched a little girl pick out bright blue nail polish the other day in about five seconds. Meanwhile, I spent the better part of my "relaxing" pedicure debating between red and frosted red. When ...


Quick Secretary's Day Gift!

With Secretary's Day coming up on Wednesday, I was going to share the post I wrote last year about how to decorate Altoid tins for gift giving, like the ones below. But then it occurred to me, that: 1. It's kind of short notice to make those today and 2. Maybe not everyone has ...


Getting Reflective & TpT Advice

My reflective post yesterday on TBA about my blog birthday has got me reminiscing about the last year. One of the many big leaps I made was joining Teachers Pay Teachers as a seller. That was a huge one for me, it was a very difficult decision, but one I'm glad I made. One ...


Join the party!

Can you even believe that I missed my own baby's birthday? My blog turned one and the day just passed by like any other! How did I let that happen? This little blog of mine brings me such joy and happiness and I let its birthday pass by unnoticed. For shame. To make up for it, ...


Picnik Break-up & Last Chance Slideshows

I met Picnik shortly after I started blogging. We hit if off right away and I was smitten. At first we spent time together just brightening up a picture, cropping, adding a caption. But then, we ventured into more serious territory and I trusted him enough to make slideshows together. ...


Tax Day Sale & Meet Up News!

So, I just, just, just found out about this little sale that some of the other tpt sellers are throwing and I decided to join in! So, if you've got anything on your wish list, this might be a good time to stock up!  Click {Here} to visit my store! And, how fun is this?! ...


Field Trip Fun w/ a Freebie

We recently spent a day at the Museum of Discovery and Science in downtown Ft. Lauderdale. We saw an excellent 3D dinosaur movie and had a great class led by one of the museum volunteers. We ran from the otters to the fossil dig to the Everglades experience, we harassed a mastodon ...


Parent Appreciation Idea!

Hey friends! We have company! Please welcome my blog bud April from A Modern Teacher. If you're looking for me, I'll be at Starbucks preparing for my room parent gifts...but I'll be back tomorrow :)     First of all, let me pinch myself.  This is my first guest blog ...


Earth Day Freebie Linky!

With Earth Day upon us, this is a great time to share a little about my school. We have a school-wide theme that changes every two years. It used to be every year, but investing in a theme that was a one-shot deal was expensive and a LOT of work! Every two years is bad enough ...


Bunny Hop Freebie

Look at you, hopping your little cotton tail down the TBA freebie trail! You've found egg 22! I hope you enjoy today's freebie from yours truly! I'm assuming that an Easter-themed activity would have to be tucked away until next year at this point, so I'm going with Earth ...

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