When I was in Second Grade

So Kate over at Second Grade Sparkle is hosting the cutest linky party asking us to share some pictures of us as kids in the grades we teach now. I decided to join in the fun even though these pictures I just dug up are actually pretty embarrassing!  I started off pretty ...


More Tools I Use!

Yesterday I shared some tools that I depend on in my classroom and as promised - here are a few more! First up is this little hammer/screwdriver combo. I picked this up at Sears around this time in the stocking stuffer section a few years ago. Of course, the flowers caught my eye ...


Some Tools I Use

There are some things that I use in my classroom on a daily basis that I would just be completely lost without. On the top of that list are copious amounts of coffee and my computer. Beyond that, there are a few actual real things that make my life so much easier. So, since this ...


Have You Heard the Word?

I'm guessing that you've already heard the big news, but TpT is having their annual Cyber Monday sale this week! It's actually a two day sale, so technically it's Cyber Monday and Tuesday. TpT will automatically discount your purchases 10%, then I'm also discounting all of my products ...


Lost in the Leaves

Everywhere I look I see beautiful fall leaves! Well, everywhere inside my school, that is. Living here in South Florida  the leaves on the palm trees don't exactly change color, the air doesn't get that crisp chill, we don't go apple picking. We know it's fall because we can ...


Oodles of November Goodies!

I seriously can not believe Thanksgiving is in two weeks. Seriously?!  I love this time of year, but it is flying by already! I have lots of fun goodies for November and Thanksgiving, so I thought I'd just compile them altogether here in one blog post so you don't have to ...


Halloween Wrap-up!

So, did we all survive Halloween? It wasn't so bad, I suppose. I just kept repeating my mantra, "They're just kids enjoying Halloween. They're just kids enjoying Halloween. They're just kids enjoying Halloween. They're just kids enjoying Halloween." That seemed to ...

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