Pumped for Pumpkins!

Well, if the above is true, then it's definitely fall! I am a lover of all things pumpkin. Along with the lattes, I love me some pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin scones, pumpkin bagels and cream cheese from Einstein's and most recently the freakin amazing pumpkin coffee ...


Pot Luck Yummies

We recently welcomed a new team member to our happy little group.  We are a tight team and I think we might have overwhelmed her with the, um, comfort level that we have with each other. We tend to speak pretty freely in front of each other about any and all subject areas, ...


A Fun Fall Play to Get Your Whole Class Participating!

I am so happy to introduce you to Arlene Sandberg today. She and I collaborate in a group of blog buddies and I love her perspective on things. She's a retired educator who dedicated her life to teaching kids all over the globe. Please welcome her today and enjoy her amazing freebie! It ...


10 More/10 Less Freebie

I'm all about math groups lately. I teach a self-contained gifted class, but within my group there is still a big range of abilities. Mostly because gifted students are not always gifted in all areas, so I may have a very verbal student reading on a 5th grade level who is on par ...


Teaching Place Value

Boy, my blog post titles sure are snazzy lately, huh? At least you know what's coming! Today I have an easy peasy thing we've been calling "Show Me's" on my team. I have no idea what they're really called. A friend showed these to me a few years ago - they are very simple and very ...


Math Journals

This year I've been getting more into math journals. I used them a lot when taught third grade and I'm not quite sure why, but I kind of got out of the habit over the past few years. This year, I knew I wanted to make it a priority. To get started, I purchased the entire year's ...


Spider Stuff

It's that time of year when all of a sudden spiders are cute. Normally, spiders are firmly in the not-at-all-cute category as far as I'm concerned. There is a ton of spidery goodness out there right now though, so I make an exception in October. Now palmetto bugs (big giant man-eating ...


More Storybook Pumpkins!

I've been a little under the weather lately. Finally dragged myself to urgent care Sunday. I got about 2 steps in the door and a terrified looking receptionist insisted I put on this lovely device. So, I guess my cough sounded as bad it felt. That led to a steady diet of all ...

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